Example sentences of "[conj] 's go [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The hugger-mugger that 's going on today concerns the same anti-morality .
2 Fund-raising director Patricia Feltham said : ‘ In the middle of everything that 's going on , Allan spent two hours on Monday helping with a promotional video .
3 There 's a very strong religious tinge er er to this and it 's argued that the holy alliance is perhaps an expression of of a significant religious revival that 's going on erm in Europe in the early nineteenth century .
4 er , it depends on one 's own tastes , I personally do n't like the open planned that I 've seen in very modern houses where , erm I , I do n't quite know how to express it but it does seem to me odd to be on one floor level and then two feet up you 're on another level and er , that 's one aspect of the open plan that does n't appeal to me and I do n't quite understand why it 's necessary to have everything that 's going on in one room with pieces of furniture designed to act as barriers between the different functions or purposes for which you give parts of the room .
5 And all the time this is going on she is completely and totally aware of everything that 's going on .
6 Or other illicit things that 's going on .
7 Er and then to contrast this you 've got like the feminist view er well it 's a just reconstruct a lot of these ideas instead of saying that women 's talk was diffident they said it was more considerate , and so the idea that quite often A lot of the features that are in this conversation are n't because women want to be deferential to the men they 're talking to , it 's that they actually want to show some consideration to the turn-taking or the conversational style that 's going on .
8 And things that 's going on , it 's got to the children .
9 I 've no business to ask , but I do like to know everything that 's going on here , and what with the measles , I 've been so dreadfully out of touch . ’
10 ‘ I would have thought it was also important for you to keep the author informed of everything that 's going on .
11 And not only that , I 've written some text on the spreadsheet showing the process that 's going on .
12 I think that 's a a lamentable state of affairs , and their children , and their children 's children are going to have to pay the price for the short-sightedness that 's going on now in the ivory towers of the of the city , the the banking institutions and the financial institutions of the country .
13 Frank what about this argument that 's going on about the free kick that was disallowed ?
14 Then collect me and we 'll head off to the Yard to deal with the mess that 's going on there . ’
15 That 's the sort of thing that 's going on at the moment .
16 You know we were asked , Do you want your own bank account really and we decided er democratically that we 'd have the one bank account really for make sure the D H S S did n't start snooping really and you know er that 's worked very well I mean certainly the men very much tell us everything that 's going on and erm well you know I do n't think there 's any conflict of erm I do n't know you know it 's it 's difficult I suppose it 's amazing really the way it does work you know and that er you know but it 's quite loose really because it 's er that 's in a way the way one of it 's successes probably you know that 's it 's not a very structured I mean probably the lodge is more structured I mean men are used to their lodge meetings are n't they you know ?
17 As you know doubt are aware of the importance that it is to us in that area of the and the current enquiry that 's going on at the moment .
18 The person was older than me and he 's a bit higher up the rank than me and it 's all about it probably comes with experience he 's to stand for yourself really but it 's when you 're our age and a bit younger you do n't want to be seen to be rocking the boat if there 's something that 's going on that you do n't agree with but you 're asked to do something that you do n't want to do valid reasons you have n't got the time or it 's not really up to you to do it
19 And my plea is , apart from all the politics that 's going on , and all your wrong and I 'm right , etc , etc , etc , if we 've got sixty-odd police constables available , then , somehow or other we ought to try and find the money to resource them .
20 He 's unaware of everything that 's going on .
21 The plastic monsters look like ruling the planet for some time to come with the mammoth film and merchandise promotion that 's going on , selling everything from dinosaur lip balm to brontosaurus burgers .
22 The plastic monsters look like ruling the planet for some time to come with the mammoth film and merchandise promotion that 's going on , selling everything from dinosaur lip balm to brontosaurus burgers .
23 Not with all these murders that 's going on with the cos there was that girl was n't there ?
24 So it just records everything that 's going on .
25 Already we 're seeing sector the er , those er new independent colleges coming along and saying do you recognize , er G M B and er during the single union agreement with UNISON and we 've got ta get our act together cos the only with thing that 's going on , we 're seeing local authorities getting smashed up and we 're seeing UNISON which will be going right across the board .
26 No it 's erm all the conversation that 's going on at the minute .
27 Well we 've been talking about the benefits which the local firms obviously gain from the work that 's going on here , but the question could be asked , what benefit do the academics in the University and also the students gain from the , the programme ?
28 reflect a lot that 's going on in society .
29 If , on the other hand , the teacher has it in the back of their mind always to be aware of the possibility of bringing into the work that 's going on in the classroom and bringing all they 're usually very excellent pedagogic skills to bear on it , aspects of the physical sciences , so that the children can get an early and meaningful introduction to it , then it will happen .
30 If , on the other hand , the teacher has it in the back of their mind always to be aware of the possibility of bringing into the work that 's going on in the classroom and bringing all they 're usually very excellent pedagogic skills to bear on it , aspects of the physical sciences , so that the children can get an early and meaningful introduction to it , then it will happen .
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