Example sentences of "[conj] were given [art] " in BNC.

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1 But going back to some of these places you mentioned , were there any rocks that were given a name or stones ?
2 We all got a rough average of the scale and the standard of these people , but somehow or other and — I never understood why this happened — I seemed to get the occasional chaps that were given a last chance .
3 In the previous chapter a distinction was made between the attitudinal function of intonation and several other functions that were given the collective names of syntagmatic functions .
4 The result ( Table 3.2 ) was that three of the four tutored birds had learnt to open the milk containers , as had three of the four that were given an already opened one ; but none of the controls had learnt the skill .
5 After about two hours flying over the sea , they swung in over the coast and were given a welcoming burst of anti-aircraft fire .
6 Swindon swept forward after the break and were given a 50th-minute penalty when Martin Ling was brought down in the area .
7 These were designated as metropolitan areas and were given a two-tier structure of metropolitan counties and districts .
8 They joined the German retreat in early 1943 , and were given a place of settlement in the Novogrodek area of Belorussia .
9 I mean , the only way you could do that would be if you had a till at one end and people bought whatever they wanted and were given a voucher and you walked down the other end and exchanged
10 Both Willibrord , English apostle to the Frisians , and Wynfrith , were consecrated bishop by the pope in Rome and were given the names of Roman martyrs whose feasts fell around the time of their consecration : Willibrord Clement and Wynfrith Boniface .
11 His parents then called from the USA and were given the false impression that British Consul staff were co-ordinating the search , when they actually had no regular contact with the Spanish authorities involved .
12 In Australia a group of academics acted as consultants to the federal Department of Health , Housing , and Community Services and were given the freedom to consult and encourage participation by as wide a range of people as possible .
13 LEAs could provide nursery schools and classes ; they could provide or finance holiday classes , camps , play schemes , swimming baths , community centres and recreation facilities ; and were given the responsibility ( never implemented ) to ensure that all young people up to age 18 , and not otherwise in education , received part-time further education by attending a ‘ county college ’ for the equivalent of one day a week .
14 Could she give us just a handful of examples of people who were moved from geriatric beds into the private sector in the early stages of the development of the policy and were given the assurance that she says was publicly given that the Government had no intention of meeting fees , however high ?
15 I remind that we put in a housing investment bid for a hundred and twelve million pounds and were given the right to buy thirteen million .
16 Well , we got to the commune ( in two buses hired for the participants in our course ) at 9 o'clock , and were given the sort of welcome-for-foreigners which we have got used to elsewhere .
17 QPR hardly made a chance and were given an even bigger mauling by boss Gerry Francis afterwards , who fumed : ‘ This is the first time we have conceded four since we were last here 15 months ago .
18 Before starting treatment patients were talked to and were given an information sheet on the basic concepts of the pathophysiology of H pylori infection .
19 The villagers seemed unimpressed , but were given no choice in the matter .
20 All four shops were found guilty , but were given an absolute discharge .
21 They had made enquiries of someone in the village , Melchbourne , but were given the wrong directions , through ignorance or malice .
22 The 12 Palestinians were not immediately deported but were given the opportunity to appeal against the order , and on Jan. 23 the government revoked a deportation order against one of five Palestinians from the West Bank .
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