Example sentences of "[conj] were a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They were made to wartime restrictions , wooden seats and erm mass produced really , erm there was none of the erm cushioned seats at all , that were a part of the feature during th before the war .
2 Any other things that were a problem about that clip ?
3 But she 's still pretty young — I 'd like to see her in clothes that were a bit more her age .
4 Now what what were the bits that were a bit tricky then ?
5 Well Johnny 's supposed to have had one that were a fortnight ago .
6 They had gone to bed after enjoying those mountains of rice and bowls of curried concoctions , no doubt , that were a feature of expatriates ' meals in the east , when shouts and running feet stirred Bernard Callinan from his sleep .
7 By … that were a fight to remember .
8 It got rid of nationalised monopolies that were a drain on taxpayers , allowed the people to own them and ensured services improved .
9 He had heard the complaints of women in labour , and the groans of pleasure that were a prelude to their misery .
10 A well-observed story , with admirable performances , Two Left Feet gave Crawford some comical scenes that were a prelude to his later role as Frank Spencer on television .
11 Many with memories of school retreats that were a matter of being silent and often boring , wonder about the different types of retreat they hear about today .
12 When at last he came down to Egypt , Joseph showed him all the love and respect that were a father 's due , all the love and respect that Ham had failed so conspicuously to show to Noah .
13 Such reclining figures , clasping either a cornucopia or an urn ( and sometimes both ) , date back to at least the mid-sixteenth century ( for example at the Villa Lante at Bagnaia in Italy ) and were a commonplace in late seventeenth-century Baroque gardens ( for example at Vaux-le-Vicomte , Versailles and Het Loo ) .
14 And were a scream to rise in her , would she manage to suppress it before it shot from her mouth ?
15 In recent years a broad spectrum of Filipino opinion — ranging from conservative nationalists to the communist NPA — had opposed the presence of the bases on the grounds that they were an affront to the sovereignty of the Philippines and were a vestige of the country 's past colonial relationship with the USA .
16 Unfortunately , the band has split up now , and were a year older than and I , so they have already left Debenham High School , and there is no-one of similar standard to replace them .
17 He said that credit costs had been rising partly as a reaction to global inflationary fears , but that the current high interest rates were necessary and appropriate and were a way of keeping inflation in check .
18 Unless you were a Pet Shop Boy and were a roadie .
19 The Sun , top seller by 1989 , was a tabloid relaunch , twenty years previously , of an ailing broadsheet paper with an entirely different character , some of whose readers nevertheless stayed with it and were a base on which the new ownership could build .
20 Modern constitutional European national governments expressed the maturing of humanity from the stages of felt reason and subjective consciousness , and were a proof of God 's journey towards self-perfection .
21 To claim that Britain has nurtured something in a matter ultimately pertaining to worship ( the choral singing of cathedral and chapel ) which is purified and controlled beyond anything possessed by Catholic Europe , which is purged of excessive artifice and rhetoric ( Continental reviewers consistently find English a cappella performances impassive ) and whose excellence gives Britain a mission these are among the ideas that have been the principal source of British national identity since the Act of Union in 1707 and were a foundation stone of English identity long before .
22 ‘ We have played well there so far and were a bit unlucky not to beat Norway and Holland . ’
23 Then , as they looked a little bit further and were a bit more adventurous , they found that there were some more interesting molecules such as alcohol .
24 Equity regarded the distinction as of less importance , in the sense that if a representation were untrue , whether to the knowledge of its maker or not , and were a material factor in inducing another party to enter into a contract with him , that party was entitled to rescind the contract if he were plaintiff , or resist specific performance if he were defendant .
25 After being sold by de Boisset 's estate in 1777 , they were subsequently acquired by Alexander , Tenth Duke of Hamilton , and were a highlight of the great Hamilton Palace dispersal at Christie 's in 1882 .
26 The peasants ' allotments were significantly smaller than those they had used before Emancipation ; the ‘ cut-offs ’ withheld by landlords were particularly large in the fertile black-earth regions and were a source of intense and lasting bitterness .
27 I was seventeen , and most of the other students in my year had done military service and were a lot older .
28 Without doubt the two machines were a marvellous achievement , but were a response to a mission requirement that had been overtaken by events and missile technology .
29 The public needed to be made aware that prostitutes were not ‘ soiled doves ’ , but were a class of women who were almost ‘ unsexed ’ and had lost all ‘ womanly feeling ’ , consorting with as many as ‘ eight to twelve different men in the same night ’ .
30 Real growth of 3 per cent and an unemployment rate of 4.7 per cent were predicted , as were a reduction in the net budget deficit to 3.5 per cent of gross domestic product ( GDP ) , with a long-term aim of a reduction to 2.5 per cent by 1992 as laid down in the SPÖ-ÖVP joint programme of 1987 [ see p. 35088 ] .
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