Example sentences of "[conj] which [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 This desire has shewn itself in some minds in the advocacy of the introduction of some new style especially marking our own age , in others in the wish to see the Architecture which so especially belongs to our own and immediately neighbouring Countries , — and which for some classes of buildings has already been so completely revived , — adapted to the especial requirements of our own times and all the inventions habits and comforts incident to them .
2 But there was also a conservative revolt against O'Neill within the Unionist Party with some ‘ official ’ candidates being pro-O'Neill and others being nominated by branches which shared Paisley 's politics ( and which in some cases were run by Paisley supporters ) .
3 Using the wider kin group as the basis for organizing social and economic life may not be characteristic of contemporary Britain , but some of the groups who have migrated to this country since the Second World War have brought with them , and retained , a pattern of kin relationships which differs from the white British norm and which in some cases includes a preference for cousin marriage .
4 Let's hear it for the Great British Biopic , based on the sort of real-life story which might have leapt straight from the pages of the tabloids , and which in some cases actually did : Ruth Ellis , who shot her feckless lover and paid the ultimate price , in Dance with a Stranger ; Sid Vicious , the smack-addled punk who stabbed his girlfriend in Sid and Nancy ; Joe Orton , the homosexual playwright whose lover battered him to death with a hammer in Prick Up Your Ears ; Josslyn Hay , twenty-second Earl of Errol , who was shot to death in Kenya , in White Mischief ; Christine Keeler , John Profumo and Stephen Ward in Scandal .
5 The result is that once those who are unable to purchase have negotiated their way through the labyrinthine and highly variable eligibility rules to achieve a place on a council housing waiting list , they join a queue which is growing at a faster rate than addition to the council housing stock and which in some cases even exceeds the total number of families housed by the district council .
6 It is perhaps no accident that these two branching hierarchies , which are the only types of any general lexical significance , have relations of dominance which are not merely differentiable , but which in some sense are inherently differentiated .
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