Example sentences of "[conj] had [been] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Even Poole , the District 's own Organising Secretary in Norfolk and Norwich , had been asked by a Cambridge Board officer not to go ‘ … into towns or villages where there was or had been Extension work ’ .
2 On 9 November , the Murder ( Abolition of Death Penalty ) Act 1965 came into effect , suspending rather than abolishing the death penalty for those categories of murder that had been capital .
3 Although overt proclamations of the need to maintain English as a " manly " educational pursuit by no means disappeared during the inter-war period , the pages of the Review reveal few of the defensive and often hysterical avowals of the discipline 's " manliness " that had been characteristic of the earlier period .
4 The branch he 'd climbed over this morning that had been tom down in the wind was moving , shaking violently .
5 It said quite plainly , there will be trouble , mademoiselle , and Jenna followed Marguerite into the house that had been home to her father for all those years .
6 Virus F/x-01–74482 , soon referred to as , simply , the Mahon virus was , as far as she could understand , a unique example of something that up till now had only been postulated : that deep in the ocean , under the terrific pressure and in temperatures approaching absolute zero , there had remained chains of biochemicals , primitive viruses that had been part of the great ‘ organic soup ’ at the creation of life , remaining unchanged as the rest of the primordial swamp had undergone the long evolutionary journey to form all the complexities of life on earth .
7 It was in 1982 that TMAM finally moved in to the airfield , taking over two pre-fabricated huts that had been part of the Station in the late 1940s and early 1950s .
8 The only evening dress she had brought with her was the colour of well-polished copper , which added a little colour to her pale complexion , but it was not going to be warm enough and so she took the mink that had been part of her trousseau from the wardrobe and slung it around her shoulders .
9 In the end , ten republics — including some that had declared independence — agreed a joint statement which indicated that a loose union would be established based on Russia and the Central Asian republics , and that around it there would be a ‘ common economic space ’ that would include most if not all of the republics that had been part of the USSR .
10 Yields from the peat lands that had been part of the swamp were disappointing , however , and the land became subject to subsidence and oxidation .
11 Also barrels of apples and tobacco and many other useful items that had been part of the boat 's cargo were strewn all along the beach .
12 Products that had been heat treated to inactivate HIV were introduced in July 1985 and all untreated products were recalled .
13 Until the catastrophe in Anatolia in 1922 , the great idea pulled them eastward , in an attempt to recapture the glory , and some of the lands , that had been Byzantium .
14 In the shrine also : a small bunch of flowers , some heather , a pair of gloves that had been Mama 's ( and still , but only a little now , smelled of her ) , and her little gold notebook and gold pencil .
15 The outcome fuelled speculation about possible realignments on the left in Greek politics , where the KKE was the major element in the Coalition of the Left and Progress ( Synaspismos , of which Florakis was president ) since its formation in 1989 , and had been part of the two government coalitions in power from July 1989 until February 1990 [ see pp. 36738-39 ; 37050-51 ; 37263-64 ] .
16 A successful businessman , he had been on the Board since 1972 , and had been Secretary of the Old Stopfordians ' Association between 1966 and 1970 , and President in 1972/3 .
17 With the arrival of Stephen Rowlinson as London Managing Director in May 1985 , total staff were reduced from 42 to 24 , and consultants were replaced , mostly by other McKinsey people : Rowlinson had spent seven years with McKinsey and had been CEO of a group of manufacturing companies .
18 But there was more to it than that : as the only daughter and elder sister to Nathan and Matthew , she had become far more involved in the running of the household , and had been witness to her mother 's frequent pregnancies , miscarriages and confinements .
19 He too had seen Alfred departing with Beatrice , but unlike Alice he had followed them , and had been witness to Alfred 's humiliating rejection .
20 Uxbridge , Middlesex-based VeriFone ( UK ) Ltd has announced the appointment of John Hinds as vice-president and general manager of the International Division of its parent company VeriFone Inc ; Hinds joins the company from AT&T Co where he was a senior vice-president and had been president of the AT&T International arm since 1987 .
21 Looks as if the message that an army of outsiders is needed to turn IBM Corp 's disparate businesses around is beginning to get through : yesterday the Personal Software Products division announced that it had recalled William Rich to be general manager , worldwide sales and marketing — he had left the company but had been acting as a consultant to it ; it has also tapped David Proctor as vice-president of products — Proctor is formerly president of Xerox Computer Services and had been president and chief executive of Ashton-Tate Corp ; before he took that position , he had served 23 years with IBM .
22 He had served six years in the Cabinet under Muldoon , and had been opposition leader since 1986 .
23 Kibaki was widely regarded as one of the most powerful government members ; he had been in the Cabinet for over 20 years and had been Vice-President until 1988 .
24 In an open letter on Sept. 7 to the Uzbek Supreme Soviet , Shakurulla Mirsaidov , who had formerly served as Uzbek Prime Minister and had been Vice-President until November 1991 , announced his resignation as Deputy Chair of the Uzbek Supreme Soviet and as a people 's deputy , because of " the replacement of democracy and openness by an authoritarian regime " ; increased repression of the opposition had been noted in Uzbekistan in preceding months [ see p. 39010 ] .
25 He said that joists of the house had been impregnated with petrol , as had been material in the hall .
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