Example sentences of "[conj] from [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Full circle ’ because we have renewed friendships , acquaintance & contact with people of & from the past .
2 The advantage of this form of development is highlighted by the success of the recently floated Wetherspoon Organisation , where from a portfolio of 44 trading units , 28 have been developed from unlicensed property and a further 18 sites have yet to be converted .
3 Immediately he joined the others , slid down the pole onto the ground floor where from a peg he grabbed his coat and helmet and put on his overalls and boots .
4 In the illustrations of projection so far I have suggested that broadly speaking there are two kinds : ( 1 ) where the participants are allowed to be passive observers becoming more actively engaged as and when they wish , and ( 2 ) where from the beginning the participants are required to do something .
5 I do n't know whether I got Aids from a needle , from a boyfriend , or from a trick .
6 We might turn away from our own particular church — we might go through a period of not knowing what we believe in — we might change from being a Catholic to a Buddhist or from a Jehovah 's Witness to an Anglican ; but , no matter how many times we reject religion , we know it will never reject us .
7 There are two fundamental ways of transferring energy to or from a system .
8 The Certificate consists of two written and two oral translation tests , using community-based material , ( on topics such as housing , health or education ) into and out of English , one letter to be written in each language , for example to the DSS on behalf of a non English speaker about benefits , or from a school head to a non-English speaking parent , two short monolingual roleplays — one in each of the two languages concerned , and a short ( scripted ) liaison interpreting exercise .
9 Whether you are renting privately , from a housing association or from a council , you should have a proper tenancy agreement that gives rules of occupation , i.e. what you can or can not do , such as keep pets , or alter the structure of the property .
10 The highest rates were for those charged with theft of or from a vehicle ( 23 per cent .
11 Some claim that the numbers are bound to improve now that more than half the country 's workforce is female or from a minority .
12 In it , 1,500 individuals were asked : ‘ If you were to buy life assurance , which of the following methods , if any , would you choose — from a salesman in your own home , from a broker in his office , by post ( either from a newspaper advertisement or from a mailshot ) , from a bank , or from a building society . ’
13 Requests are often received from Doctors , Hospitals , Social Workers , or from a friend or neighbour who knows of someone who may benefit from the service .
14 Advertisements inviting applications from individuals wishing to job-share or from a pair prepared to share with each other should be prepared for local distribution .
15 This does not mean that the ‘ base of operations ’ can not receive general directives from the owners of the vessel residing in another member state or from a company having its registered office , central administration or principal place of business in another member state .
16 Hence in practice there will be no problems arising from restrictions on transferability or from a company 's lien ; debentures will invariably provide that the money expressed to be secured will be paid , and that the debentures are transferable , free from any equities or claims between the company and the original or any intermediate holder .
17 Often the need for help arose from a specific pressure such as damaged or lost equipment or from a life event like moving house or the birth of a child .
18 In theory , the variability of the prevalence figures could be estimated by calculating the standard deviation either on the basis of observed annual figures within the study period or from a Poisson distribution
19 The ocean bill of lading 's demise or metamorphosis can be evaluated from a strictly maritime law perspective ( an evaluation that this writer is not equipped to make ) , or from a banking law perspective .
20 To be sure of finding plenty of animals it is best to collect rich , loose , moist soil from a well-cultivated garden-bed , or from a hedge-bank .
21 Remember that love and respect has to be earned , whether from an adult or from a child .
22 This increase comes from improved productivity , longer working hours , higher rates , or from a percentage of the earnings of labourers and craftsmen that they themselves employ .
23 For instance , Finlay-Jones and Brown ( 1981 ) were able to show a markedly higher rate of events characterised by danger in the lives of general practice patients suffering from a recent onset of anxiety or from a mixture of anxiety and depression than in the lives of depressed and non-case patients .
24 An example would be a person or company resident in the UK either making a deposit or receiving a loan in sterling to or from a UK bank .
25 Barbarossa died by drowning or from a heart attack , falling from his horse while crossing the River Salef near Antioch .
26 The " further discussion " usually takes the form of a report from the secretary , or from a member of the committee , on action taken since the previous meeting .
27 No one in the room is excluded , as they might be from a maths activity that some of them ca n't do ; or from a games session , where physical prowess is such an important factor .
28 Originally there was considerable variety among the cattle of Wales , which at one time included the Glamorgan , said to have been an ancient breed of doubtful origin , possibly partly Norman or from a Devon cross .
29 If you have a problem and you are getting nowhere yourself , do not continue to struggle on alone , but seek advice , either from a training club or from a Rottweiler club .
30 In earlier times many miners had worked only a part of their time digging coal ; the rest of their income came from labouring jobs or from a smallholding .
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