Example sentences of "[conj] they [vb base] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If only it were possible to avoid these difficulties , and go island-hopping where they speak English , where the controllers are friendly and helpful , where all kinds of services are readily available , taxes are low and fuel plentiful .
2 Something that I noticed is in the towns like Kirkwall and Stromness there 's a kind of slovenly way of speaking Orcadian where they go butter water .
3 Most people who have been seasoned by these violent irruptions stay indoors , where they hold typhoon parties , or watch the progress of the storm on the television .
4 ‘ It 's only in American movies where they catch fire .
5 Charged residues are only occasionally found in the interior , where they form hydrogen bonds to oppositely charged residues or main-chain atoms .
6 Nummulites are known from England , but they are most numerous in the Mediterranean and eastwards , where they form limestone formations of great thickness .
7 One has only to look at the United States , where they take sex education very seriously but seem to have got everything wrong , with the most appalling results to the nation 's health .
8 During embryogenesis Schwann cell progenitors migrate from the neural crest , then proliferate along tracts to be occupied by peripheral axons where they support axon extension .
9 Millions of these live in the bowel , where they help digestion , so it 's quite normal for them to be present , and all too easy for them to spread — in fact half of all cases of Cystitis are caused by bacterial infection .
10 An important clue to this act of discrimination has always been found in the existence of regularities , especially where they make prediction possible .
11 Towards the end of September the adult birds begin their long migratory journey south across the Atlantic where they will winter in the tropical seas of South America .
12 They are present on the apical membranes of gastric parietal cells ( Fig 1 ) and , in some species , colon epithelial cells , where they mediate acid secretion .
13 Technological Convergence is also a nice idea , but it may lead strong companies into major new markets where they lack experience and fail to achieve success .
14 Myrmec odia plants are patrolled by ants , especially along the stems , where they gather nectar and are protected by stipules or spines .
15 A number of courses give students an opportunity to go on a short relevant placement in an organization outside the University , where they gain experience of the world of work and in applying the skills they have learnt .
16 The short season available for growth restricts annuals and biennials mainly to the arctic fringe ; one notable exception , Koenigia islandica , produces tiny plants 4–5 cm high in especially favoured areas as far north as Devon Island and northern Greenland , where they set seed annually .
17 The alleged killers finally drove to a field near Burton Salmon , North Yorks , where they set fire to their car and escaped on foot .
18 • Continue to clear leaves , especially from the lawn , where they encourage grass diseases , and around rose bushes , where black spot may overwinter .
19 On the other hand , contracts will only provide sufficient evidence where they give rise to a ‘ firm commitment ’ : the reporting entity 's obligation resulting from the contract can be enforced by an external party , and the circumstances are such that if necessary it will be so enforced .
20 They will travel at a maximum 50mph on the two main rail routes but at 30mph in the city centre , where they share street space with ordinary road traffic .
21 They are unable to enter into a total experience of mourning where they acknowledge loss and pain without needing to deny it or blame anyone .
22 The new Statement now requires plans to report all investment contracts issued by insurance enterprises or other entities at fair value , except where they incorporate mortality or morbidity risk .
23 They come from the roughest jails where they expect trouble all the time .
24 Now they 've gone off to other groups handing out food , like Food for Work and the Mothers ' Clubs where they do weaving and knitting and things like that . ’
25 SunSoft Inc is moving 30 of its software engineers out of its Massachusetts operation and sending them to Sun 's Colorado Springs site where they do R&D , design of high-performance workstations and other special projects .
26 Where they have retraining , but it did n't amount to very much .
27 Your information could be to do with other people : knowing what –heir capabilities are , what motivates them , where they have influence .
28 It only works near cities where they have receiver/ transmitters .
29 We 're going down the path of our US cousins , where they have wedding co-ordinators running round the garden marquee with walkie talkies .
30 These enable such entrants to charge a lower price than incumbents , cross-subsidising competitive deals ( e.g. in straight bonds ) from markets ( such as equity warrants ) where they have market power .
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