Example sentences of "[conj] they [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In the summer of 1986 Dr Imanishi-Kari asked Dr O'Toole to leave the laboratory at Tufts where they both then worked .
2 But the Big Ideas that start in this country now quickly travel abroad , where they not only get produced at high speed , at low cost , and with great efficiency , but also undergo continuous development and improvement .
3 Some find it hard to make a decision because they 've got out of the habit or they no longer see the need .
4 At the time of writing they are still working on this , although they no longer expect an immediate or easy solution .
5 Nearly all felt British companies did n't pay enough attention to the environment although they no longer regarded the chemical industry as the main threat , and recognised recent efforts to minimise damage .
6 Although they too nominally subscribed to Calvinist theology , it seems unlikely that the doctrine of predestination ever made more than the most superficial inroads into their collective consciousness .
7 The Gournia houses are quite small , composed of perhaps five small chambers at ground floor level , although they almost certainly had at least one upper storey .
8 If this happens they are so premature that they nearly always die .
9 If two tailless Manx cats are mated , the kittens are so deformed that they nearly always die before birth .
10 The Padre found that they even sometimes flew into his throat while he was reading or praying with a dying man .
11 Rumour had it that they even still shared a bedroom .
12 Sadly , as the Master Bomber on a raid against Le Mans railway yards on 19/20 May 1944 , he collided with his Deputy and it was indeed ironic that they both actually marked the aiming point with their burning aircraft .
13 Can I suggest that they probably simply do not know , they work in a particular way , a particular level .
14 Admittedly , ethnography presents us with a few ( but very few ) examples of value systems in which inequality of status is viewed as a moral evil ; but these cases are so exceptional that they probably always represent transient states of society .
15 Diaries , calendars , ASCII code tables and the rest can , and do , have their uses but analysis of the amount they really get used shows that they probably still belong on the desk rather than in the computer .
16 The figures would be a shock to MPs and Department of Health officials — who had acknowledged that they not longer keep central statistics on closures — he added .
17 The new owner may find to their dismay , that they not only have a horse who is a perpetual puller , but one who also refuses to learn to travel more slowly .
18 Furthermore , these giant corporations possess such wealth and power that they not only affect our lives , limbs , health , and property from the forceps to the grave , but they also bend the political democratic process in such a way that their interests are often prioritized over those of the electorate , consumers , employees , and shareholders .
19 The report noted that they not only provided care for children but enabled teachers to attend to others and also that the aides themselves carried out important educational work under the teacher 's direction .
20 On further investigation of many of the objects themselves , it becomes clear that they not only represent the selection of non-European artefacts by Europeans , but may also themselves be manufactured as objectifications of the relationship between different societies .
21 Novice parachutists who blocked out fear completely up to the moment of the jump were often overcome with an overwhelming and incapacitating anxiety such that they not only did not jump but decided to give up jumping forever .
22 The literary form that they most nearly resemble , or the situation in life that they come nearest to recreating , is that of a letter .
23 It is in the myth of Odysseus that they most poignantly figure out the tragic paralysis of the dialectic , and , by extension , the quandary of cultural critique : to steer past the temptations of the Sirens whose fatal song can not be resisted , Odysseus stuffs his men 's ears with wax so that they will not be distracted from their rowing , and binds himself to the mast with orders that he must not be released .
24 Congressmen , relieved that they no longer have to shed their reputations in fighting over Nicaragua , are quite keen to find the $300m that is seen as an inaugural present for Mrs Violeta Chamorro on April 25th .
25 Many airlines are so confused or battered that they no longer have anything resembling a clear business strategy .
26 And the Duke made sure that they no longer gave employment in the studios to these conspirators .
27 Following the incident the couple put their Colorado home up for sale and returned to their native Norway , claiming that they no longer felt welcome in the USA .
28 Both the interrogators had been doing their job for so long that they no longer thought much about what they were saying .
29 Her eyebrows , which she darkened artificially so that they no longer merged into her skin , lifted slightly .
30 Between these two comes secondary impotence which occurs when men who once had satisfactory erections find that they no longer can .
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