Example sentences of "[conj] at a time " in BNC.

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1 Did she mean at four in the morning , or at a time of extremity ?
2 Nor does it matter whether the tenant may give notice after the last date for service of a rent review notice ( Coventry CC v J Hepworth & Son Ltd ( 1982 ) 265 EG 608 ) or at a time which coincides with time during which a landlord may serve such a notice ( Legal & General Assurance ( Pension Management ) Ltd v Cheshire CC ) .
3 This is a code of conduct for directors of listed companies requiring them not to deal in their own company 's shares on short-term considerations or at a time when they are in possession of unpublished price-sensitive information .
4 In many cases the husband and wife will be living apart at the time of the court order , or at a time when agreement is reached between them concerning the former matrimonial home , in circumstances that are likely to prove permanent .
5 It may also recognise that the husband should be entitled to a financial stake in the matrimonial home , such stake being made available to him at the end of the period specified in the court order or at a time previously agreed between the parties .
6 IN A culture and a century that have doubts about matching up to Prince Hamlet , feeling fitted at best to the role of attendant lord , it 's astonishing that Shakespeare 's Henry V should become , except at a time of national emergency , a resonant figure of any sort .
7 It 's astonishing that Shakespeare 's Henry V should become , except at a time of national emergency , a resonant figure .
8 IT IS IRONIC that at a time when the shares of motor traders are dropping like stones , the price at which dealerships change hands has remained steady .
9 Do you think that at a time like this I am afraid of words ? … if he dies tonight there will always be a gulf at my side , a gulf into which I must never fall ’ ( p. 87 ) .
10 And the good news is that at a time of recession there are bargains to be had : even grand dealers might discuss a discreet price reduction .
11 This means that at a time of crisis , such as death , there are fewer people to turn to than there used to be when it was the norm to live much nearer to kinfolk .
12 It is no good arguing , as privately , ministers may be doing , that at a time of recession these considerations are unimportant .
13 It is striking that at a time when just about every other human value has been called in question , the value of life is still universally accepted as an absolute .
14 Pity , then , that at a time when we need colour most — the grey winter months — these same containers , for the most part , are left to languish empty .
15 ‘ It is no surprise to anyone that at a time of severe recession , investment in fixed assets , cars etc , will be weak , ’ said Geoff Evans , managing director of Forward Asset Finance .
16 In the future , Suffolk people will reflect on this decade and they will find it strange that at a time when environmental issues were more prevalent than ever both county and borough councils made such an effort to be seen to be environmentally friendly , that so much development took place on the green belt of Ipswich .
17 And that at a time when , as was realised , the stakes were particularly high , when the country 's prospective self-sufficiency in oil would provide an incoming Government with a stronger economic base .
18 Phan Boi Chau ended his life wondering whether the Vietnamese people understood communism any more than he did himself ; but even if , in the 1920s , they did not , and if international communism at least did not understand the Vietnamese people all that well either , one could argue that at a time when the prospects for Vietnam were still fairly evenly balanced between peaceful reform and revolution and even though , in 1924 , a government of the Left had taken office in France , the failure of a constitutional Party helped to turn political forces in Vietnam in the direction of a radical nationalism .
19 It remains something of a surprise that at a time when conserving species diversity is valued so highly , so little priority is given to listing the basics of what species there are to be conserved or lost .
20 To remind you briefly about this decision — it was felt that at a time when the Society was under considerable pressure , not only to up-date its training structure but also to streamline administration , a Professional Affiliation Fee would benefit everyone .
21 Solicitors ' firms large and small have come to realise that at a time when competition is intense and growth is seen as essential in order to meet increased overheads and maintain profit levels ( let alone to increase them ) any policy which irrevocably rules out fundamental reorganisation of their practices is likely to prove short-sighted .
22 Medved argues that at a time when most Americans continue to espouse traditional values , Hollywood is controlled by an intellectual elite clinging to the ‘ freakiness ’ of Sixties counter-culture .
23 Mr Wilcox said that at a time of increased pressures to reduce public spending , new strategies on housing were needed urgently .
24 In terms of er political views , or even those who have no political views , of ethnic make-up and everything of this kind and yet now it seems that at a time when our police forces above all , need to move into the present day and prepare themselves for the challenges of the crime and the criminals at the end of this century and into the next century , we seem to have some misgivings about giving the Home Secretary the powers which are placed in this Bill .
25 No , I think that all women in all jobs , and particularly in professional jobs , have this problem that at a time when you should be doing your perhaps your most original work , building up your reputation , then you 're also tied up with problems of looking after children .
26 Clearly these involved Roger in a considerable amount of work , and at a time when Roger 's wife was giving birth to their daughter in the UK !
27 He was our college barber ; and at a time when most of us were penniless he cut hair for a shilling ( = 5p , to those who do not know what a shilling was ) .
28 And at a time when Furtwängler was out of fashion in Britain and America it was not unusual to be told that he rarely managed to play two successive bars in the same tempo .
29 Far more important was the fact that this baby girl , born two weeks after the defeat of a Scottish army by the English at Solway Moss , and at a time when her remarkable father James V was lying burnt out at the age of thirty in his glorious hunting-lodge at Falkland , was to be within a week of her birth queen of the Scots .
30 Prospective owners were required to put down an initial deposit of £50,000 , which seemed fair enough when they had received 1,400 applications and at a time when the prices of exclusive cars were rising to the stratosphere .
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