Example sentences of "[conj] he [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 Youatt became owner of the Nassau Street infirmary , where he lectured on diseases of the dog ; he also gave lectures at University College .
2 Sterling was given an office at the Department of Trade and Industry , where he advised on industrial policy , and had a big say in plans for the future of broadcasting .
3 The vicar managed to catch him before he fell to the floor , and he was removed to his home , where he died on the Friday morning , 8 September .
4 By November 1308 he had apparently renounced the world and entered the Irish Dominican house at Trim , where he died on 21 October 1314 .
5 Then he thought he was being pampered , so he moved into a dirty hovel , ‘ where he lay on straw like a beast ’ .
6 ‘ Miss Araminta regards me as a servant , ma'am , ’ Theda said , faintly smiling , and reaching a hand out to stroke Hector 's woolly head where he lay on his blanket , as if to find some outlet for the feelings of gentleness running through her .
7 It is this preoccupation which accounts for Derrida 's choice , and forceful interrogation , of the privileged examples of Saussure — where he focuses on the ‘ profound ethnocentrism ’ of his exclusion of writing — Rousseau and Lévi-Strauss .
8 She put her arms round him where he stood on the threshold of her room .
9 He did a really intimate show where he sat on the edge of the stage with his ankles crossed and talked to them and sang them songs .
10 Fred would listen patiently until he could stand no more and then depart to the small back yard , where he sat on an upturned tea-chest and vowed that one day he would forget how efficient his kitchen hand was and just do away with her .
11 The world of the Zoo seemed to move without any noise at all and around the Cages all was still but for the visitor Creggan had attacked , who swayed back and forth where he sat on the ground , others gathered around him .
12 Having lifted Hector into the vehicle , where he sat on the floorboards , panting with his tongue lolling out , and wagging a satisfied tail , Benedict swung himself up and grinned down at her as he took the reins into his hand .
13 He was appointed gentleman of the bedchamber to the Prince of Wales in 1791 , represented Scarborough ( 1796–1802 ) and Monmouth ( 1802–13 ) in the House of Commons , was made a privy councillor in 1797 and comptroller ( until 1804 ) of the household , then joint paymaster-general of the forces under the premiership of William Pitt and the third Duke of Portland in 1804–13 , before accepting the governorship of the Cape Colony , South Africa , where he arrived on 6 April 1814 .
14 A few days later , he was off to south London , where he concentrated on the subject of deserts — his speciality .
15 Having to choose between being ‘ poor in Oxford or comfortable in Aber. ’ , he chose Aberystwyth , where he worked on the university magazine , published his first poems and stories , and dabbled in left-wing politics .
16 Guess we kinda know now where he stands on the issue .
17 I ask you ! ) , where he put on a wetsuit in order to infiltrate the sewers and popped up with another long lens to take her picture .
18 Author of seven books , he is rector of a literary institute , where he lectures on literary criticism .
19 Or he stepped on a landmine of some sort . ’
20 Mswati did not specify who would decide on the incorporation of the Vusela-2 recommendations into a new constitution , neither did he give a new date for elections , which had been due in November , although he said on Oct. 26 that they would be held in the first half of 1993 .
21 Although he doted on steak , she decided she would study continental cooking , and produce something to surprise him .
22 He reiterated one of the problems that dogged him throughout life , which was fatigue ; for although he had on the whole a ‘ tough ’ constitution — at least he liked to think so — and tremendous will-power , he had driven himself very hard over the past twenty years .
23 Wilfrid withdrew to Ripon and , although he acted on occasion as bishop for Wulfhere among the Mercians and even ordained priests and deacons in Kent , he did not at this time exercise episcopal functions north of the Humber ( HE III , 28 ; Vita Wilfridi , ch. 14 ) .
24 Although he sat on the fence with the rest of London 's Jews during the noisy campaign of Rabbi Manasseh ben Israel [ q.v. ] of Amsterdam to secure a public readmission of the Jews to England , eventually he was forced to show his hand .
25 Although he relies on assumptions about human nature , he seeks to treat its inherent tendencies scientifically .
26 Kondratiev 's basic proposition was that the advanced capitalist economies as a whole ( although he concentrated on a selected few only ) go through cycles of booms and slumps in a regular pattern .
27 A rough diamond in his earlier years , he has now become a sophisticated centre who was drafted into the Irish World Cup squad , although he languished on the bench and was never called upon .
28 Andy Gray , on Sky , said that he sits on a panel to decide if a goal is an OG or not … and can then take goals off players .
29 It was followed about twenty years later , in 1271 , by the forecast of a purely mechanical chronometer by Robertus Anglicus ( ‘ Robert the Englishman , ) in a commentary that he wrote on the Treatise on the Sphere of Sacrobosco .
30 Then he remembered the photograph that he left on his bedside table every night .
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