Example sentences of "[conj] at [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 No matter how bad the storm was she had to go on deck , where at least the air was clean .
2 Only when she was halfway there did she remember that this , after all , was n't Chipchester , where she had spent the last six months at college — nor even Athens , where at least the drivers and pedestrians expected to engage in constant warfare — and that perhaps she should have checked the traffic before crossing …
3 She walked along to the little café , where at least the umbrellas and the plane trees gave some shade .
4 A major question is , of course , whether such products provide a better , or at least no worse , hop character than whole hops .
5 In this sense , the intent to harm someone may be less immoral ( or at least no more immoral ) than to be indifferent as to whom is harmed .
6 Moreover , Marwnad Cynddylan ( ‘ Lament for Cynddylan ’ ) , perhaps by the bard , Meigant , may be of seventh-century date or at least no later than the ninth .
7 I 'm incredibly lazy but I do think I 've found the right way or at least a better way than hers to live .
8 A younger generation , or at least a younger American generation , has been brought up on a list of acid tests , invented to get rid of the boiled oatmeal consistency of the bad verse of 1900 , and there is no doubt that many young readers seeing Binyon 's inversions , etc. , will be likely to throw down the translation under the impression that it is incompetent .
9 A bright future — or at least a possible meeting with Mike Tyson — beckons for British heavyweight champion Gary Mason after he knocks out Tyrell Biggs in the seventh round of their Albert Hall bout .
10 A young woman going to buy material for her Salwar Kamiz in Bradford or Newham would almost invariably be accompanied by her mother or husband or cousin or at least a friend .
11 An extraordinarily high proportion of Milton scholars have chosen to disregard these truths about their subject , and have decided that because Milton was on the side of the regicides this made him a revolutionary and , because a revolutionary , therefore a man of the Left , perhaps even an agonized Maminst , or at least a sympathizer with the Diggers and Levellers of his own day .
12 Figures for America 's total current account ( to be released next month ) may even show a small surplus , or at least a rough balance — thanks partly to payments by foreign governments towards the cost of the Gulf war .
13 would give selected staff a London training , to be followed , if you were lucky , by a London job — at Euston , or King 's Cross , or at least a post in one of the large cities , at Snow Hill , Crewe or even Edinburgh .
14 The 1966 official report into his subsequent escape has some incredibly tedious and unconvincing arguments as to why Blake was not moved to a high , or at least a higher , security prison such as Birmingham .
15 They seized the opportunity for independence or at least a new bargain with Moscow — regardless of whatever views might be held by the silent masses .
16 Equally , many people , including owners , developers and even some planners , continue to believe that it is only the exterior of the building , or at least a grade II building , that is protected by listing .
17 In the middle of Bangalore , as you thread through a jungle of exotic trees and overgrown ornamental gardens , cross long neglected croquet lawns , tennis courts and disused summer houses , you are confronted with Windsor Castle , or at least a very passable facsimile locked up and in pawn to the Government to pay Royal debts .
18 If there has n't been an historic massacre there , then somebody ought to organise one , or at least a bit of a tiff , to do justice to its shadowy , sombre sentinels of cliffs .
19 One must also accept that the programmer of the cells had a different logic from ours , or at least a curious sense of humour .
20 You can seek help with it in a number of ways : there are your own staff and possibly other work colleagues ; and there may be a personnel department or at least a person with some training in this area .
21 But many managers do not have such a background ; for them the need to think quantitatively is sometimes alien , or at least a strain .
22 We have reached the occasion where an individual receiving publicity in one field is thought to be an expert , or at least a saleable item , in all others .
23 At the end of 1981 the government finally gave way , or at least a little bit .
24 In ideal circumstances a son or daughter may be able to provide a granny flat or at least a bedsitting-room which the older person can call their own and where they can have some personal furniture and possessions as well as privacy .
25 There is a certain dishonesty , or at least a limitation of truth , in presenting only historical facts .
26 There are , of course , invisible aspects that make a warren , or at least a section of it , impossible .
27 A joint venture between competitors or potential competitors may infringe Article 85 of the Treaty of Rome if the participants could reasonably have been expected to enter the market individually , and in such cases the creation of an EEIG will not obviate the need to seek an exemption , or at least a comfort letter , from the Commission .
28 A small dress : in a big print or at least a big colour .
29 There is a plot , too , or at least a series of threads woven through these recapitulations of bygone existence .
30 I 've done my dues , now give me a TV show , or at least a guest appearance somewhere . ’
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