Example sentences of "[conj] at [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 However , the seasonal loss was not great enough to cause an ‘ ozone hole ’ of the sort above the Antarctic , where at times the layer has reached a wafer-thin 10 per cent of normal this winter .
2 It is proposed , despite the fact that it is the unorthodox view of insider dealing which is singled out for special attention , to review the policy arguments for and against the use of inside information , even where at times the debate seems more applicable to the traditional view of insider dealing .
3 They took it down to the burning gha where two rivers meet in a rolling pool of green and white , and where at night the restless spirits of the dead wall to the roar of the crashing waters .
4 If you have many demands on you at work or at home the ‘ bloom ’ of middle pregnancy may be sadly elusive .
5 Gastric carcinoma is very common in patients presenting with metastasis of unknown origin , although at present the antibody 's clinical usefulness is questionable as the disease has a poor prognosis .
6 Ian Scott , co-ordinator of its rural adult education project , said that at times the enthusiasm of the groups being taught had to be dampened : ‘ At the opening class of a course being run in Co Durham , the students frightened the tutor by demanding that there should be a march on County Hall .
7 A spectacular way : all through breakfast , the track ran along the north shore of Lake Superior , so close that at times the train seemed to be overhanging the water .
8 My one gripe is that at times the control system is not as good as expected .
9 It 's true that at times the many ledges give some discontinuity to the routes , but they also provide good stances .
10 The fact that at times the child seems well able to respond to them reinforces their view that their child is being naughty .
11 Grainne , listening , watching , saw how his eyes darkened when he became absorbed in something , and how the planes of his face shifted so that at times the eagleblood was more strongly marked than others … how the cap-like golden hair shone beneath the light from the wall sconces …
12 But I noticed that at times the fat proprietress went to their rooms ; to play cards , she said .
13 the sound of Gothic Voices is altogether more familiar than that of the Taverner Consort , so much so that at times the listener can forget that this extraordinary music originated in 14th-century France , worlds away from the Oxbridge tradition .
14 The reason was that at Trico the district committee ( which in the engineering union structure is a very important body ) was dominated by the left while at Electrolux it was controlled by the right .
15 First phase-locking occurs , which causes the appearance of low-frequency " beat-beat " notes in the spectrum ( recall that the cavity-mode spectrum is distorted by the atomic dispersion , so that at threshold the modes will not be quite equally spaced ) .
16 It is doubtless true that at bottom the behaviour of a motor car is to be explained in terms of interactions between fundamental particles .
17 Also , ’ said Grainne , ‘ there is a belief that at Samain the sidh sometimes return .
18 Haig and Kendall look anxious and quickly explain that at night the watch is self-contained : they work uninterrupted by calls from headquarters .
19 But what I 'm trying to explain is that at night the hrududil have great lights , brighter than Frith himself .
20 He told the delegates : ‘ All of you know that at present the poison and vital capacity of the imperialist viper are concentrated in the colonies rather than in the metropolitan countries . ’
21 Racism is not unique to Western culture — what matters is that at present the West has the power to go with it .
22 stated that at present the Institute could accept others as members , provided they were agreed by National Council , as in the case of certain overseas embalmers possessing acceptable certificates and proof of experience .
23 The one at Marham in Norfolk incorporates a World War One aeroplane of unspecified type and that at Upwood the Canberra which has for so long been associated with the RAF station .
24 Notice firstly that at 196bn the market value of pension fund assets at the end of 1987 was larger than that of any other class of financial intermediary .
25 At his headquarters behind the Somme , the astute Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria noted down in his diary : ‘ I hear that at Verdun the Left Bank of the Meuse is to be attacked now , too .
26 Yet the long dominance of finance specialists with little knowledge of the strategic importance of product development means that at Ford the fine balance between organizational innovation and productivity will be especially difficult to sustain ( Halberstam , 1987 ) .
27 The curves show that at 9.1V the current is 100mA .
28 It requires only a small further step to argue for the exclusion from English of " those unfitted to benefit " from studying literature , Indeed , in 1968 , T. R. Henn is to be found recommending that at Cambridge the number of students taking English should be cut by 40 per cent on the grounds that many students tend simply to " drift " into the discipline .
29 Certainly there can be no denying the fact that at Abernethy the King of Scotland gave his son Duncan as hostage to the King of England .
30 All applications , and the bulk of Taos itself is written in Virtual Processor code , so that at run-time the code is loaded onto a real processor and translated on the fly into the chip 's native instruction set .
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