Example sentences of "[conj] with [art] long " in BNC.

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1 or with a long soft sigh .
2 Interest rates Short-term management of the economy has meant that governments manipulate interest rates to ensure reelection , rather than with the long term interests of the economy in mind .
3 He opened his cyanide powder and with a long spoon , fashioned from a elegant old walking cane , tipped powder down the hole .
4 He is armed with one of the ancient Runefangs made by Alaric the Mad for Sigmar , and with a long dagger .
5 The position of the territory , situated to the northeast of Beijing , bordered to the east by Korea and with a long frontier with Russia , was somewhat ambiguous , Home of the Manchu Qing dynasty which ruled China from 1644 until its fall in 1911 , it had a distinct status shared with no other part of the empire .
6 Secondly , that whatever the words of the statute may suggest , the conflict with Code C and with a long established ‘ right of silence ’ is so acute that , whatever the statute may appear to say , it must be understood as subject to an implied exception in the case of persons who have been charged .
7 Kites are back in again , but they are a far cry from the diamond-shape oldies made from brown paper and with a long tail of twisted pieces of newspaper .
8 In the air-conditioned House of Commons , set in the English climate , and with the long recess allowing members to look for long hot beaches , such a plagiarism illustrated how not to employ catch-phrases of the day .
9 Despite some rave reviews , Notes , which Lotus characterises as an enterprise but with a long sales cycle , has not been a runaway best-seller for the Cambridge company .
10 Despite some rave reviews , Notes , which Lotus characterises as an enterprise but with a long sales cycle , has not been a runaway bestseller for Lotus .
11 Some are better than others , but with the long lead time , it 's difficult to get too optimistic .
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