Example sentences of "[conj] you went [prep] " in BNC.

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1 where you went for a walk , down , went to the shops
2 - You start forgetting where you went on holiday this summer .
3 You dressed up as Lazarus or Frankenstein , or you went as one of your dead relations .
4 We went youth hostelling for m the sort of the chapel choir , after When you grew up in chapel , then you were either found a job teaching , in the Sunday School , or you went into the choir .
5 Mm , so when you left your , when you came back you said that you went into a requisition property
6 Is that is that o o one of the reasons that you went into business in the first place ?
7 But it , it was so varied that you went through the , the cities and the highland scenes where they went through the highlands and in the country and then you ended up with coming on to a crossroads in a modern , a futuristic city , where if you look down you , the pavements were elevated and you walked down to where all the models of General Motors were displayed as if they were crossing roads .
8 That 's amazing that you went on holiday alone because surely you would have done much
9 Can you tell me a little bit more about this school that you went to ?
10 Oh you saw er you 'd seen this because er you had friends all over , I mean , the fact that you went to did n't er tt get rid of all your friends .
11 Erm you were telling me about religion about the fact that you went to church .
12 Now , er if we could come on now , it was in nineteen thirty six that you went to Spain ?
13 ‘ I told Harry that you went to the police with the tape from the answering machine .
14 No it was during the conversation he er he said that I hear that you went to flat and I said yes and he said er well you just missed me , I 'd been there a couple of days before .
15 that 's right you 'll have to show all your friends that you went to the pictures
16 Oh so and was it all sort of erm erm society do 's that you went to and cocktails and things like
17 No , cos you just remember the order that you went round the room in and .
18 So you went along the corridor to her room .
19 I tell you what though , if you , like , I , I never forget when we went to Austria and you went into like a delicatessen place and this place was about a quarter of a mile long , right , never seen so many different looking place with sausages
20 And you went down the high street and you turned sharp left and went along Dock Street and circling supermarket at the bottom end of town
21 And I mean you yourself , you know , during the Westland you you you left a cabinet meeting , apparently Mrs Thatcher thought you were going to the loo and you went on television to say , I 'm resigning because I think she 's got it wrong over Westland .
22 It was horrid leaving you two girls in Simla , but within a few weeks — at the end of that term — we were able to have you down with us in Poona , and you went to the Wantage Sisters ' school there , and Tim went too .
23 And you went to school in the morning but never knew whether your house was going to be there when you got home for dinner or whether you 'd still have a mum and dad and
24 And you went to the shops on a , when was it again … a Monday ? this is fascinating !
25 and you went to and somebody was living in there
26 Er , you then had got another ticket , and er train ticket , and you went to the south of France by train , and er you got a bed and a couple of meals there er then you had a bus ride .
27 " And you went to university and got a degree ?
28 And you went to New York to seek your fortune , yes ? ’
29 no , we 're just talking about when I did last week remember when I went teaching last week and you went to Ian 's house did n't you ?
30 Oh not , and you went to Canterbury did n't you ?
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