Example sentences of "[conj] too [adj] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 I have meant to write to you a hundred times during the last three weeks but at all hours of the day I have been busied with teaching and beating and supervising footballings until when at last after all the animals were caged up and I at last had some peace , I have been too sad & too weary to write anything .
2 Sometimes the answer is hidden , either because it is too obvious for us to recognise or too complex to unravel .
3 Suddenly it came home to me with tremendous force that this was my last chance , the very last of all the countless chances I had thrown away just like this , because I had been too lazy or too proud to exploit them properly .
4 You might imagine supporting them , talking with them when they needed to talk , trying to help , but you did n't imagine that you would be the one desperate to talk ( or the one too embarrassed to talk , too ashamed or too proud to talk ) ; you did n't imagine you would be the one who needed help , not even when you told friends that of course there might be problems , or agreed with your beloved that you would always talk about things …
5 Perhaps those who know the truth will be too lazy or too diffident or too poor to publish while whose who believe in error will be so rich , or well organized , or self-confident that they will control the presses and the television studios and dominate the ‘ free market in ideas ’ .
6 It was found , time and again , that they were not , as moralists feared , abandoned by unfeeling children , but either had had no children or the children were dead , far away , or too poor to feed another family member .
7 She constantly needed to caution him about the many dangers he was either too young or too stupid to recognize for himself .
8 Many patients with Alzheimer 's disease are too apraxic to guide liquid to their mouths or too apathetic to make the effort .
9 They are either too lazy or too uninformed to do anything but fail to fulfil their potential . ’
10 So if you 're too busy or too lazy to attend exhibitions , too broke or too reserved to splatter seventeen separate hues upon your sofa , but would appreciate a practical piece of shocking new art to jolly your life up — then perhaps a Fornasetti tie will prove the happy solution .
11 But if you always treat them as too young or too feckless to have your trust or good opinion , they are likely to stay immature and irresponsible .
12 too idle , too stupid , too drunk or too arrogant to see through me and
13 Those who were too shy or too inexperienced to pray on those occasions would meet together on a Saturday night to read , to pray and to prepare themselves for the following Sabbath day .
14 ‘ I was too old , too experienced or too inexperienced to find work .
15 A most respectable party had taken the dining room but the landlord was either too flustered or too gauche to respect the privacy which , judging from their first expressions on seeing Hope , they felt they had ordered and even paid for .
16 In the previous two sections I have attempted to outline ways in which the evidence for God 's existence may either be too strong or too weak to make sense of religious belief My conclusions , however , connect up with the discussion of ‘ meaning ’ and ‘ no meaning ’ forms of theism and atheism in the first chapter .
17 So if you 're too busy or too lazy to attend exhibitions , too broke or too reserved to splatter seventeen separate hues upon your sofa , but would appreciate a practical piece of shocking new art to jolly your life up — then perhaps a Fornasetti tie will prove the happy solution .
18 Education standards had deteriorated to such an extent by 1997 that Billy Johnson could n't work out whether he had been born a day too early or too late to vote , or whether his birth had been induced or retarded .
19 This is no longer a requirement , because decisions in the nineteenth century made it clear that rape can be committed whenever the woman does not consent — is asleep , for example , or too drunk to consent .
20 It turns out that nearly all dispensaries are either destroyed , looted , or too decrepit to work in .
21 Both antagonists , however , were by now either too weak politically or too preoccupied to resume serious hostilities for the moment .
22 Where tools and equipment are too bulky to store or too expensive to buy for occasional use , the answer is to go to one of the many hire shops .
23 Sometimes materials are just not available or too expensive to afford , but often curriculum panels , drawing on experiences from college demonstration schools and materially rich urban contexts , place far too great reliance on the collection and use of ‘ waste ’ materials or require large amounts of apparatus to be made by teachers .
24 Quite simply , this guarantees you money which you will certainly need if a key person dies , or is too ill or too injured to work .
25 We are none of us too grand or too sophisticated to benefit from the lessons of the cottage garden and we are fortunate that there are still some skilled practitioners such as Connie Franks to show the rest of us how it should be done .
26 There were more Goblin tribes still loyal or too afraid to desert , but even they were few compared to the great days of conquest .
27 Those involved are either too distressed , too wounded or too ill-equipped to say what happened and yet it is vital , for the safety of others , that it be brought to public notice .
28 If you are elderly , physically disabled or too ill to take vigorous exercise , do not despair : regular aromatherapy massage and/or dry skin brushing ( see Chapter 6 ) can be almost as beneficial .
29 Or for those , he supposed , who were too weak or too sickly to walk here .
30 The issues may be too delicate to handle or too difficult to put your finger on precisely .
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