Example sentences of "[conj] even at [art] " in BNC.

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1 In fact I 'll change with the last record that I heard ; if I hear someone I really like on a record , or even at a gig before I play , then the chances are I 'll be playing some of his licks .
2 In other cases the plotter hardware is physically located some distance from the user ; for example , the user may be in a different building or even at a subsidiary office in another town .
3 ‘ I am a partisan of the idea of two inter-governmental conferences , one dealing with economic and monetary union and related institutional reform by the end of 1991 , and another which deals with European political union , one or two years later or even at the same time , ’ Mr Delors told MEPs in Strasbourg yesterday .
4 Other people , who are perhaps close to , or even at the right weight , are still not necessarily eating well .
5 These could be where groundwater is pumped out for clean-up , or even at the US 's notorious Superfund waste sites .
6 Most of us have seen a heart in one form or another , whether on television or in school or even at the butchers .
7 This allows determination of purines protected from methylation ( and therefore underrepresented in the complexed fraction ) and indicates a close proximity of proteins to the bound DNA in the near vicinity or even at the N-7 or the N-3 atoms of these guanine and adenine moieties .
8 I refer , for example , to the Welsh health common services authority which , under the leadership of Brigadier Peter Crawley , decided that it would locate in the bay rather than at Merthyr Tydfil or some other place along the A470 — or even at the refurbished BBC studios building at Gabalfa , which is where we all thought that authority would go .
9 Before the endoscopic era , the diagnosis was rarely made before operation or even at the time of operation and recurrent haemorrhage with a fatal outcome was common .
10 He did n't turn his head to look after them and he was so still that even at a short distance they could no longer distinguish him from his surroundings .
11 Bridbury also suggests , from the admissions to the freedom of the boroughs , that the ranks of the citizens were being widened , and that even at a time when rural conditions provided more incentive for men to remain in the country than at an earlier date the towns were still able to attract them ( 61 , pp.62–4 ( Tables , 65–9 ) ) .
12 It is worth recalling that even at the height of Britain 's imperial power we rarely tried to go it alone .
13 Exhaustive computer simulations done in the US show that even at the present prices for fuel , conventional sailing ships are only marginally competitive when all is counted .
14 Darwinism destroys the presumption that a separate organism functions primarily to preserve itself ( as do simpler homeostatic systems which do not reproduce ) ; it shows me that even at the biological level my spontaneity only secondarily and partially serves myself , and invites the reflection that behaving consistently to my own advantage became conceivable only with the clarification of my viewpoint in contrast with others , which in turn implies that I have been assuming other viewpoints from the beginning of self-consciousness .
15 On contemporary art sales undoubtedly enduring a difficult period at present he noted that even at the highest point of the market , revenue had not amounted to more than about 20% of the house 's total sales .
16 What those figures certainly reveal is that the real gains in investment in British business since 1979 have been sustained , so that even at the depth of this present recession investment is 40 per cent .
17 Who would have thought that even at the beginning of this century the poet felt the need for time to stand still .
18 Lacking nose-wheel steering , directional control is achieved by differential braking , but this was not difficult after a few initial experimental wiggles — although even at the end of the day I still found myself pointlessly pushing the rudder pedals on the corners .
19 It may be that at the national political level in the late twentieth century it is harder to identify discrete instrumentalist land interests than it is when looking at specific places , although even at the national level it is easy enough in 1988 .
20 Mr McTear managed to give most of his evidence to the commission , although even at the beginning of the proceedings his poor physical condition was apparent with his breathing laboured and his voice feeble .
21 But this operated in very different forms between countries and regions , and even at the level of a single English county .
22 This , of course , delighted the child and every night she stood in the wings performing everybody 's act with them , and even at the end of two shows , she was as bright in the dressing room as she 'd been at the overture .
23 Life was not quite a state of nature or a question of the survival of the fittest , but in times of no food parcels the partition separating us from that state was unpleasantly thin and even at the best of times it was thin enough to be able to hear most of what went on on the other side .
24 It said that inherently bad foundations and faulty construction meant that the cost of maintaining the old building for any length of time ‘ must be necessarily large ’ , and even at the time of his examination the building was undergoing further repairs .
25 ‘ Stair has his spyes in every quarter and even at the first posts on the several roads , ’ complained one irate conspirator , but often their work was easy for , as Bolingbroke observed , the most secret plans were a subject of gossip ‘ among women over their tea ’ .
26 She was present at the birth of the Blessed Virgin , who was then given over to her care for twelve years , and at the Visitation and the birth of St John the Baptist and even at the birth of the Saviour , when she was allowed to provide bedding for the Virgin and swathing-clothes for the Child .
27 However , while the condition of struggle with the West Indians remained a constant , at least until 1838 , in providing a rationale for national organisations , how they were conceived as operating at various times , and even at the same time by different reformers , varied significantly .
28 There was an accumulated credit balance of £300,000 by 1584 ; and even at the end of the reign the Crown had an annual surplus on the ordinary account .
29 As already mentioned , the defendant may submit a defence up to the return day and even at the pre-trial review if he or she is prepared to risk costs being awarded against him or her .
30 And even at the zenith of his power Greenwich Village had remained a place shielded from some of his excesses , open to the pull of Europe , a haven for the dissident , the Bohemian , the dropout .
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