Example sentences of "[conj] i [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 The dancer , on her way back to the United States , took Dana in her VW to Lisbon , Porto and Bilbao , where I met them , then we drove all the way to Paris .
2 Then wasps ; a cloud of them hovered around my Virginia creeper where I suspected they had a nest .
3 So I set about a solution which has led to healthy plants which remain where I want them — despite being planted in very high flow undergravel filters .
4 If I 'm going anywhere where I want them to see me as a ‘ teacher ’ you know with all that that implies , then I 'll wear my wedding ring .
5 I mentioned to Ewen that I still had some ( I told him 10 , but it appears to be only 8 ) copies left of GGE , and yesterday I approached Bargain Books on Princes Street , where I see they 're selling it for £6 , in the hope that I might add my copies to their stock and get a cheque for you .
6 ‘ Of course , the twins are well past the nappy stage — or I imagine they must be — and , since I 've promised Liz that I 'll look after them , you can be sure that I 'll do what I can . ’
7 Or I believe they have got some quieter ones now .
8 Yes I suppose it 's not taxpayer now , what do we call them now — poll , poll tax payers or I suppose they are still tax payers though .
9 Although I draw them all for you ,
10 Although I had them , I did n't have anyone .
11 There were several bulls in the dale , but I can not recall any serious incidents with them , although I know they can be very dangerous .
12 I did n't think too much about this at the time , although I knew they usually only had money for their ‘ little pleasures ’ after they 'd done the washing and pawned it .
13 P.S. Although I hate them , one has to admit that there is a touch of class in the fact that 30 of the 160 arrested have just managed to escape .
14 And they wo n't give any guarantees , although I understand they have n't failed up to now .
15 Some some of them actually give you exemption from all of them although I think they 're
16 Although I think they .
17 Three of them floated in a sea of garlic and tomato and although I found them no better than chewy chicken my wife told me they were well up to scratch .
18 No-one said much to me at tea , although I caught them looking at me sometimes as they sipped at their mugs .
19 Although I believe they are improved as a class , many of them are rough diamonds ; at times they are light-fingered , they are not invariably sober , their education leaves much to be desired and it is impossible to allow them the run of the works after closing hours .
20 The happiness we are all seeking is n't granted by politicians , although I accept they can create circumstances that make the achievement of happiness very difficult .
21 It was n't till years later that I realised they had n't even remembered to ask if f was a lesbian .
22 Charles , her husband , jokes all the time about what I 'm wearing , insists that I join them for formal dinners late at night , and then teases me throughout them because I 've never eaten squid before , and I do n't know what haggis is made of .
23 Playing tunes that bring a smile to my face and a sentimental tear to my eye , for the last time that I heard them was the day of the first Gittel 's wedding .
24 Put against the letters that I wrote they 've all been sent out .
25 Be pleased to tell them that I remember them with great kindness and great respect .
26 But in those rare flashes when one can shed the present self and all it is in command of I realise that there were really only two occasions when I did personally feel the times on my pulse in such a way that I remember them , and not what I have since reconstructed of them .
27 Well old was , was er absolute er you 'd never think anybody 'd would buy anything out of his shop , er my father went in for something once and he , and he said you can see them hanging up ca n't you , I mean er salesmanship was on unheard of as far as he was concerned they were there , why ask him if he 'd got any , but erm course you must remember I was only a little boy I mean I can remember all this , I took it all in but I would n't say that I knew them er I knew Miss , from the grocer 's shop she was a Sunday School teacher , and er the Sunday School used to be at Road School we used to have a Sunday School there and a Mr used to take this .
28 So thickly was the snow falling that I knew they could only just have been made , probably within the past five minutes .
29 ‘ He gave me six points for this country so clearly that I saw them as if on a black-board and could simply copy them down . ’
30 ‘ I said I was subject to them , not that I let them rule me ! ’
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