Example sentences of "[conj] for only [art] " in BNC.

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1 Almost all philosophically minded people of Clement 's age , except for only a tiny handful of Epicureans , took it for granted that the order of the world reflects a designing providential hand .
2 Absolute phase was correct , frequency response flat except for only the tiniest of ripples .
3 You may have already decided what sort of walking boots to buy , but the shop assistant will , with barely disguised contempt , correct you , telling you how foolish you would have been to buy such footwear , how lucky it was you came here first , and convincing you that for only an extra £65 you can have the boot you really need .
4 The dividing wall holding this tank only attracts sunlight from one side and for only a couple of hours a day , and only at the height of summer .
5 The PFA 's Taylor supports the move to publish a list of referees , as assessed by managers , and for only the top 20 to officiate in the Premier League .
6 And after raising the board and finding six washleather bags of sovereigns she had really believed him , and for only the second time she could remember in her life , she had cried .
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