Example sentences of "[conj] i come over " in BNC.

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1 My mother would often phone up around 5 am when I lived near her , and demand that I come over and cook her dinner .
2 I saw the shutters open , so I came over .
3 So that accelerated my own ideas and I came over to England with that in mind .
4 I was nearly home and I come over queer .
5 He would if I came over , he 'd hate it .
6 In other words , you concentrate not just on what 's repressed in id , but on the structure of the ego as well , and the superego , and the course of nature part of it comes out in the book as told us that Woodrow Wilson had a tremendous superego in the form of his identification with his father , who he further identified with God , I mean , if I come over very critical indeed , and therefore , his own ego was identified with Jesus Christ .
7 ‘ She died before I came over , Mrs Sutherland .
8 Just before I came over .
9 And he said well Wicks ' are cheaper he said we 'll go to Wicks ' then and I 'll measure up for it when I come over .
10 I decided when I was 11 and I started doing drama at school , when I came over from New Zealand , that I wanted to be an actress . ’
11 I had been fed on a diet of Enid Blyton and her boarding school series , so I was eager — even excited — to be joining one when I came over to take my ‘ A ’ levels in the late sixties : I was not at all prepared for the harsh realities of English middle-class racism .
12 And , ’ he went on , before Marc could interrupt , ‘ you happened to be in Paris when I came over for them .
13 And er w when I came over before and we did Hull you know Warwickshire and I did twelve hundred miles in ten days .
14 There is quite a lot of activity as I come over the hill .
15 I applied to correspondence courses for writing , I joined a music workshop , and at the same time I had to rush into a job , as I came over with just one bag and no money . ’
16 Edward looked on scowling as I came over .
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