Example sentences of "[conj] for [art] few " in BNC.

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1 You can work full-time , part-time or for a few hours in the evenings .
2 Some of the sites under consideration may be of the same date and status , but they may be occupied for part of the year , or for a few years only .
3 Hence TL is normally used in the following situations : beyond the range of radiocarbon : when no organic material has been preserved on the site : when the association between the event to be dated and the radiocarbon content of the organic samples is poor ; or for the few periods where the age range on a calibrated radiocarbon age is larger than the corresponding TL error term .
4 In the heat of the midday sun we reached Ingleborough 's companion top of Simon Fell , deserted except for a few inquisitive Swaledale sheep .
5 So in his late anthology , Confucius to Cummings ( New York , 1964 , with Marcella Spann ) , he explicitly preferred George Chapman 's Homer to pope 's , even though he had admitted that Chapman is unreadable , except for a few pages at a time .
6 Except for a few extremely rich Americans ( Gordon Bennett was one ) and a sprig of French nobility they were British and Irish aristos , and landed gentry and army officers .
7 Except for a few letters from Helen to Jane Aldis , there is nothing until January 1897 .
8 And , except for a few Teflon exceptions , it does ! ’
9 What they all have in common is a basic commitment that the vines should have been cultivated without the use of chemical fertilisers , pesticides , fungicides or herbicides ( except for a few age-old things like Bordeaux mixture ) , and the wine made without chemical additives or agents — apart from a few natural and/or traditional substances .
10 Except for a few stickers falling off , it worked reasonably well .
11 On the other hand , Heron ( 1794 ) says that Lewis was destitute of wood except for a few birches and hazels ’ .
12 In the end , the mini-LP initially catalogued as Reception Records ' REC 010 , did not actually leave Red Rhino 's York warehouse , except for a few copies .
13 He had blue eyes and his head was bare except for a few short grey hairs .
14 Therefore , to whom belongs the credit for this near miraculous escape from falling victim yet again to socialist ideology and dogma , which is in decline and disrepute everywhere , except for a few Third World countries ?
15 But the natives were friendly except for a few incidents in Skye .
16 Most woodland is now found west of the River Arun , the downs further east being notably lacking in tree cover except for a few extensive forestry plantations , which now form a high proportion of all downland woodland .
17 The boat was blown to glory , nothing was ever found of it except for a few bits of debris , and to all intents and purposes both occupants were blown to glory with it . ’
18 Chris occasionally removes some of the surface plants , but does very little else , except for a few water changes .
19 These islands are uninhabited , except for a few wild goats , rabbits and birds .
20 I wandered round the spectacular mall , deserted except for a few armed security guards , paint-smart in peaked hats and short-sleeved shirts .
21 The Articles were registered in 1953 under the CA 1948 , and except for a few standard exclusions , largely adopt Table A , in force at that time .
22 Their Korean hosts were said to be upset at the way they barely acknowledged each other in public except for a few surly and petulant exchanges .
23 The field was empty except for a few ewes with young lambs .
24 Except for a few stereotyped responses from the wilder churches — Pastor David Powell of the Rotherham Pentecostal Church actually banned gays from his services — and a few jibes from the local National Front , we were always treated politely , listened to with interest and generally well received .
25 In the modern period capital is instead organized at a national or transnational scale so that the previous ( capitalist ) rationale for sub-national government has withered away , except for a few spatially constrained sectors of capital , such as development interests or companies engaged in extracting mineral resources .
26 Assessments of less than £1 were not made in the subsidy , and nearly all below £2 were based on wages , except for a few based on income from land ; and since the statutory proviso , doubtless intended to allay fears raised by the inquest of 1522 , restricted taxation to one form of wealth only , any personal property belonging to persons so taxed was ignored .
27 Except for a few specialised publications such as The Art Newspaper , only a handful of quality papers regularly deal with issues concerning the art trade : the International Herald Tribune ; the German Handelsblatt and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung ; and in the United States , the New York Times .
28 Bowing to the inevitable , Kenya started to remove the controls in 1988 and had eliminated them all by 1990 , except for a few agricultural products like maize .
29 Those who did marry all left the trade , except for a few cases where the husband was a serving soldier abroad during the war .
30 Once assured of their willingness to adopt the patriot cause the ‘ people ’ turned to their natural , local leaders and disappeared from the stage except for a few significant reappearances and a few protests against ‘ the rich ’ .
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