Example sentences of "[conj] is [verb] out " in BNC.

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1 The prelude to this was set by another psychoanalyst called Otto Rank one of Freud 's er early followers who had published a book called the Myth of the Birth of the Hero and in this book what Rank did was to trawl through world folklore and literature , from myths of heroes , and of course there are a lot of those books , and dozens and dozens of them and what he does in the book is he distils all these dozens and dozens of myths and he finds that there 's a common pattern emerges and it 's , it 's pretty stereotypical actually and the common pattern is the hero is born of royal or divine parents , the hero for some reason or other that loses his parents or is cast out by them or is er exposed in some way , erm the hero is often threatened by some outside force and then rescued by er humble people .
2 With mature graduates , the situation may be different again , depending on whether the graduate is operating within an internal labour market which he has never left , or is starting out afresh .
3 The demand may be advertised in one or more newspapers if the demand is for payment of a sum due under a judgment or order and the creditor knows or believes that the debtor has absconded or is keeping out of the way with a view to avoiding service and there is no real prospect of the debt being recovered by any enforcement action .
4 I refer here to cases in which sexual behaviour or play with other children becomes obsessive in nature and frequency — or where it is imposed against the wishes of other children involved ; cases in which masturbation becomes a near-total preoccupation , or is carried out in circumstances which make it an aggressive act or one of attention-seeking ; or those in which the very nature of sexual activity shows that its implications are fully understood regardless of age .
5 More than this , he even showed that horses use clairvoyance — the ability to see mentally something that exists or is happening out of sight — but to a much lesser degree .
6 ‘ You ca n't look to just one man to have the freedom to create because what happens if he 's not doing it or is marked out of the game ? ’
7 Nor is doling out rewards in tiny instalments the only restriction that a plant may impose in order to compel its pollen-carriers to provide the service it requires .
8 Is it some aspect of your work or your life that is getting out of control ?
9 In certain areas of Britain there is also a ‘ tradition ’ of digging out badgers , so that they may be subjected to the same merciless treatment that is meted out to the fox .
10 Ditto with the sweet-smelling powder that is shrugged out by his obscurely culpable flesh …
11 The other kind of move that is ruled out is one that violates the hard core , as we have already mentioned .
12 about how many copies where they 've actually gone that that is some that is sent out to all school 's and quite considerable numbers are sent out .
13 Codes , in short , owe their meanings - and the variety that is constructed out of their monotonous elements - to consciousness .
14 Although this appears to be a field of management studies that is going out of fashion , nevertheless I think one disregards the work of sociologists at one 's peril .
15 There will be serious dangers , however , if the information that is set out in performance tables is clouded by footnotes and qualifications , which sometimes are advocated because they are designed to prove that whatever the differences between examination performances there is no such thing as a good school or a bad school .
16 But er looking at er Professor Lock 's suggestion and the criterion that is set out there I think er a number of people might be interested to have a go at those criteria so to speak .
17 As it is , a large part of the caring that is carried out for older people , both those living at home and those living with relatives , is carried out by women , mostly daughters and daughters-in-law .
18 In thermodynamics a reversible process is one that is carried out infinitely slowly and carefully so that it is virtually in a state of balance at all times .
19 The lesson to be drawn is that the impact of debt depends on the other instruments open to the government , a point that is brought out even more clearly in the life-cycle model .
20 I 've written a great many books for children and some for adults about children ( several from both categories have caused a wave of national commotion ) , broadcasted , televised , been translated into every language including some I had n't realised existed — and what about a bizarre unidentifiable Japanese edition that is put out as one of my books , that for all I know is a codebook for terrorists or drug-runners !
21 We 've attempted , Chairer , to assess this proposal and then to set a criteria I think it 's important for members to understand that currently there is a consortium that er , is in operation , fully operational that is carrying out the tasks erm , that are identified in the consultation document mainly erm the consultation document itself does erm show exactly what the health authority is doing erm , the proposal now before you is to extend that erm to one merged unit of health authority with one executive board erm based with three local health clinics erm , to provide the service .
22 Sex is like the cat that is let out of the bag : once out it is difficult to put back .
23 The amount of money that is taken out of the country 's economy by cannabis each year is estimated at £250,000,000 the street value being nearer £500,000,000 .
24 Sometimes the ferret is even in the process of killing the rabbit , is hanging on by its teeth and is dragged out with the rabbit .
25 Manager Malcolm Crosby wants to accept a £750,000 bid from Premier League Southampton — but his chairman Bob Murray vetoed the move and is holding out for £1 million .
26 Where Falstaff has spent his life deceiving others , here he deceives himself , and is thrust out of this medium so far above his resources , social or moral : ‘ I know thee not , old man , fall to thy prayers ’ .
27 Each issue of CIRCLS usually concentrates on one main topic , with items of news included as relevant , and is sent out with regular NLSLS mailings to libraries throughout Scotland .
28 By the time I realise this , she 's doffed hat and denims , and is swimming out to us .
29 The institute is building a pilot coal pipeline at the Kuzbas coal fields , and is throwing out ideas such as container transport by pipeline for the future .
30 The conclusion that some speakers use more , and some fewer , Creole features , is undoubtedly correct and is borne out by my London data .
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