Example sentences of "[conj] it is [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Simmel places exchange at the point at which Hegel constructs society , and this articulates well with a major tradition in anthropological theory , where it is exchange , often viewed in terms of the polarity of gift and commodity , which is seen as constitutive of society itself ( e.g. Appadurai 1986 ; Lévi-Strauss 1969 ; Sahlins 1974 : 165–183 ) .
2 I 'm not sure where it is film , we 'll have to just er last week .
3 The game continues until one player has all 48 beads — or it is time for supper !
4 god of war of Norway or somewhere or something like that , or it is sort of thunder
5 Although it is winter time I am not afraid to move my bait higher in the water to keep in touch with the fish .
6 Although it is law , parts of it will only come into force when the Home Secretary issues the necessary regulations .
7 Basing the deprivation payments on the Jarman index still seems the best option , although it is time the Department of Health supported research into its validation .
8 Poulantzas goes on to say that it is ignorance of these writers , and the provincialism of the French intellectual arena , ‘ which allows these most hackneyed of ideas to be presented as something new . ’
9 We have seen that it is communication with another person who is experiencing some kind of emotional trouble , or acting under stress in some way .
10 Yet it is not absolute in the sense that it is principle apart from morality on which morality itself is founded or a blueprint for conduct which allows for no exceptions .
11 But , having it , it is a fact of grammar ( in Wittgenstein 's sense ) that it is afternoon at a place on the Earth when at that place the Sun is past the zenith but not yet over the horizon .
12 It is the projected activities , the group under E and F , which will concern us in this section , as we shall see that it is projection which protects the participants .
13 The evidence for these systems is generally personal and tends to reinforce our view that it is attitude of the teacher or parent which determines adherence to a given system rather than any objective verification .
14 ( n contrast both to the genetically based view of literary history which tends to ignore questions of form , and to other formally-biased approaches which tend to ignore history , the Russian Formalist view is that it is history itself which allows the specificity of literature to be established .
15 Revolutionary propaganda is aware that it is propaganda .
16 It is difficult to resist the conclusion that it is Parliament , not the law , which is in danger of looking more and more like an ass .
17 that are now on the project , make sure that it is tip top condition for the event .
18 If we go to any local government official and talk to him about local government finance and how the council tax might work , he will say that it is nonsense and a case of trying to muddle through and paper over the cracks simply to make the package a little more presentable for electoral purposes .
19 I believe that it is nonsense that we should give such asylum seekers any form of accommodation .
20 I am sure that all would agree that it is nonsense and that there must be a simpler way .
21 Although that has meant that not much can be done , in principle it is a good idea in that it forces underwater sites to compete with land sites for funding , and tends to keep the attention on the point that it is archaeology we are talking about .
22 The reader knows that it is Zuckerman 's statement too , that it is fiction , and is likely to remind himself that it could well belong to the infinite regress of the dualistic indeterminable , where claim and counter-claim alternate indefinitely .
23 You see , the point about a magnum is that it is metal psychology : it scares the shit out of the guy it is aimed at , it makes the guy who holds it feel really proud . ’
24 Whites need to recognise that blacks can not hope to prosper in any numbers while they are confined to ghettos of crime , poverty and lousy schools , and that it is society 's duty to do something about it .
25 It seems to me that it is question of policy which we , as judges , have to decide .
26 Espinear assuming that it is question physical action judgements trapped the narrative close , and ask for the order .
27 But the critical thing with I twelve as the policy 's currently drafted is that it is location specific .
28 He is instructed to go to bed when he feels tired , to get up when he feels rested , and to eat meals when he estimates that it is breakfast , lunch , and dinner time .
29 [ Where a person , not appointed as a trustee , ] has received trust property with actual or constructive notice that it is trust property transferred in breach of trust , or because , not being a bona fide purchaser for value without notice , he acquires notice subsequent to such receipt and then deals with the property in a manner inconsistent with the trust , [ he is deemed a constructive trustee . ]
30 Despite Sartre 's reiteration that it is man who makes it , history increasingly assumes its own ontological status in the Critiques .
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