Example sentences of "[conj] was [pron] any " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Nor was there any notice explaining how to get dental treatment on the National Health Service .
2 Nor was there any reason to believe they would get it over the next thirty years , either .
3 Nor was there any instance , as far as I could see , of the faithful lover dying before his long wait was rewarded ; or thought of how the heroine might have felt in such a case , with brothers and sisters flown the nest , father and mother dead , hero dead , the house empty , and the mind , so long attuned and subjected to the needs of other minds , no longer able to recognize and adapt to its own needs .
4 Nor was there any rain in October or December .
5 There never has en one simple view of what a comprehensive school is or should be , nor was there any single ideological thrust behind even the rapid development of the 1960s .
6 Nor was there any sign of diplomatic clearance for Algeria , Niger and Nigeria .
7 There were no beggars , no obviously destitute people , nor was there any decaying rubbish in back streets .
8 Nor was there any hope of going back into football — unless the authorities could be persuaded to lift their ban on him .
9 No one doubted that some form of physical education should be part of the programme ; nor was there any dissent from the view that girls were to be taught domestic economy and similar subjects in addition to trade and academic courses ; and , thirdly , the terms ‘ vocational ’ and ‘ liberal ’ should be generously interpreted , rather than be seen as mutually exclusive .
10 Nor was there any instinctive offensive , no fight to transcend its condition and stay alive .
11 However , nothing happened during the period from the time the mistake was made until it was discovered to affect the company 's position , nor was there any unfairness or abuse of power .
12 Nor was there any evidence that the inspector had failed to take account of the likely costs of compliance .
13 No point could be served by preserving ‘ bourgeois ’ freedoms or accountability mechanisms , nor was there any need for socialists to work out in detail how their post-revolutionary state could be run .
14 Neither the gun nor the money had ever been found , nor was there any forensic evidence linking Kearney to either a hat , a bag or a pair of shoes found at the scene .
15 There was no precedent in post-Conquest England for the removal of a crowned and anointed king , nor was there any clear guidance in civil or canon law about the means by which a king might be deposed .
16 Subsequent analysis of the responses to the questionnaire showed no significant difference between teaching hospital and non-teaching hospital consultants , nor was there any discernible difference in responses with the respondent 's age .
17 Nor was there any centralised political authority in Ireland itself — a ‘ strong man ’ , for example , who could have done Rome 's work for her .
18 Nor was there any question of imposing an unadulterated Western model on Japan .
19 It was not the purpose of the meetings to produce or agree upon policy proposals ; nor was there any attempt to do so .
20 ) . The agent 's intention was not explicitly mentioned in the story , nor was there any attempt to depict it ( e.g. , by making the agent look excessively pleased in the second picture ) .
21 Surprisingly , no Sunday lunch was brought up to him , nor was there any tea , and it was only around three in the afternoon that he realized he had had no visitors since noon .
22 Nor was there any issue between pope and king large enough to suggest such a notion .
23 Nor was there any hint of the Bohemian in his double-breasted suits , his heavy spectacles and walrus moustache from beneath which emerged his loud , peremptory voice .
24 But no ‘ sub-ethnicities ’ were considered , nor was there any indication of differences in performance on particular subjects .
25 On the one hand , so as to exclude recovery , the present was not a payment made under mistake of law nor was there any payment to avoid threatened litigation .
26 There was no response to this , nor was there any payment of rent or news of any proposed assignment .
27 No breach of any of the Rules of the Supreme Court was committed nor was there any element of unfairness to M. in the post-committal procedure that was followed .
28 Nor was there any change so far as mandatory life sentences were concerned in the 1987 statement .
29 Nor was there any dispute that in certain circumstances the High Court may have a supervisory jurisdiction over decisions of the judges of the High Court ( see In re Smalley [ 1985 ] A.C. 622 , 641–642 ) , or indeed Law Lords : see the Page case [ 1991 ] 1 W.L.R. 1277 , 1284 .
30 Nor was there any significant difference in direction of gaze for the two types of questions unless specific items were picked out which apparently reflected most clearly the verbal-spatial distinction .
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