Example sentences of "[conj] it [be] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 But first there are further instructions about how the Passover is to be celebrated , who may join in , and where it is to take place .
2 However , we will certainly look very carefully indeed at the qualifications and at the control of any potential incinerator and where it is to go , should one come forward in Northern Ireland .
3 Fennel can be grown from seed sown in spring where it is to remain .
4 It should be sown where it is to grow , as it transplants badly , and thinned to 23cm ( 9in ) each way .
5 And the woman respected for her concern for the sick and deprived is told : ‘ Not to love is not to live , or it is to live a living death .
6 The party 's most important electoral commitment was the creation of 800,000 jobs over four years , and although it was to fall lamentably short of the aim , the reduction of unemployment remained an important point of reference for the party in power and for its political allies ( see , e.g. , PSOE 1983 : 43–4 ) .
7 Although it was to have been built with funds and expertise from the US 's Agency for International Development ( AID ) , it was promoted by the US Embassy in Honduras .
8 British Coal has confirmed that it 's to shed thirty thousand jobs as it closes more than thirty pits due to a fall in demand .
9 Councillors decided to press ahead with the prosecutions despite the Government 's recent announcement that it 's to review the Sunday Trading laws .
10 no I think that it 's to get the vocabulary various classes of people and varies age group
11 I must stress that it 's to work with you , OK ?
12 The Danish Government has announced that it is to carry out an inquiry into the accident .
13 Norway has announced that it is to kill between 300 and 800 minke whales this year .
14 Following the announcement in January that it had suspended production of the Cambridge and Linx brands , Wharfedale has announced that it is to discontinue Linx , though it will undertake to maintain warranty and spare parts support .
15 Mr Kinnock 's own union , the 1.1 million-strong Transport and General Workers ' Union , yesterday confirmed that it is to sue Mr Paddy Ashdown and six other Liberal Democrat leaders over a claim in a party newspaper that the T&G had advised members in 29 key marginals to vote Liberal Democrat rather than Labour .
16 MCVITIE 'S , part of the United Biscuits Group , announced today that it is to invest £4m in its Hungarian operation Gyori Keksz to build a crisp factory .
17 The Indian government has announced that it is to refuse further World Bank funding for the highly controversial Narmada Dam project [ see EDs 61 ; 64 ] .
18 IPSWICH Port Authority announced yesterday that it is to shed ‘ in the region of ’ 35 jobs because of the recession .
19 One suspects that it is to demonstrate what the attractions of the famous Museum Island will be when the plan favoured by the Berlin museums supremo Dube but hotly contested by many museum professionals comes to fruition , for Dube has decided that the island is to be dedicated entirely to these archaeological collections , while the fine arts all move over to the western side of the city to more modern museums .
20 With Rank Xerox having just announced that it is to set up its European research centre in the region in the autumn and the Euronews satellite channel destined for the area , Rhone-Alpes is maintaining its momentum .
21 Traditional civil-law interpretation would say that it is : the words amount to a demonstratio rather than a causa ; the testator is suggesting a means of satisfying the liability under trust rather than indicating that it is to arise only if the estate of Gaius Seius is entered .
22 Gossip that Next Computer Inc might abandon its hardware business to focus on its NextStep object-oriented operating environment UX No 419 ) has proved all too valid and last week the company confirmed that it is to abandon manufacture of its workstations .
23 British Gas has announced that it is to abandon its operations in Ecuador , citing economic grounds .
24 Mitsui OSK , Japan 's second-largest shipping company , has just announced that it is to close its tokkin accounts ( short-term stockmarket-punting money ) to help pay for its capital spending .
25 The nationalised industry announced that it is to close 31 pits , which will result in 30,000 job losses .
26 IBM Corp has shocked all Manhattan — or at any rate New York 's chattering classes — by announcing that it is to close the Gallery of Science & Art , an extremely popular gallery for visiting art exhibitions in the basement of its tower on Madison Avenue : it says it will try to find the seven employees of the gallery other jobs in the company , without holding out very much hope .
27 Whilst ICL has duly announced that it is to support Santa Cruz Operation 's SCO Unix MPX for multi-processing , Open Desktop environment and the SCO communications suite on its Intel Corp 80486-based personal computers , the OfficePower-on-SCO validation work — see above — was actually carried out on an Apricot Computers Ltd box .
28 Sequent Computer Corp confirmed last week reports that it is to move into the multi-processor PC ‘ superserver ’ business , basing its software strategy around Microsoft Corp 's forthcoming NT operating system ( UX No 390 ) .
29 Transforming at a stroke the state of its balance sheet , Philips Electronics NV on Friday announced that it is to sell its 35% stake in the Japan-based Matsushita Electronics Corp to its partner in the venture , Matsushita Electric Industrial Co Ltd for a whopping $1,600m .
30 Evans & Sutherland Computer Corp says the Freedom 1000 and 3000 3D graphics accelerators that it is to sell on Sun Microsystems Inc platforms ( UX No 407 ) , have been designed as processor-independent units which could well end up on other CPU architectures in future , though none were mentioned specifically .
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