Example sentences of "[be] [adv] made up " in BNC.

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1 We are all familiar with water , as our bodies are mostly made up of it , and it is the easiest thing to dowse for .
2 The INI files are mostly made up of lines like this :
3 Keith Richards tells with a mixture of jealousy and amazement the story that the guitar classes John Lee conducts at home are entirely made up of young girls .
4 The first are the poorer urban dwellers — these are largely made up of junior office staff , workers in the retail and hotel sectors , petty retailers and petty commodity producers and the unemployed , old and sick .
5 His views on the rights of hereditary monarchy and episcopacy were those of Charles Leslie [ q.v. ] , whom he admired , but Earbery had none of his wit or power of reasoning : his numerous works are largely made up of quantities of historical narrative , related with a strong ideological bias , often laced with personal abuse .
6 Pension funds can further diversify their portfolios by investing in a spread of these units across different managed funds ( insurance companies have in fact set up specialised managed funds that are largely made up of specific investments , to allow such diversification across managed funds by pension funds ) .
7 Often ill-informed and repetitive , the debate has tended to ignore the interests of the client and has frequently been conducted by those whose minds are already made up on the issue .
8 Dominant social elites are not made up simply of capitalists , but also include managers and professionals , whose power rests upon their capacity to exclude others from their property , whether material or intellectual .
9 By the way they 're also made up for the following week as well in case , if it 's Tuesday night , oh , let me just look at next week , what have I got ?
10 Team sizes can be varied but they are always made up of an odd number of competitors .
11 These are usually made up of a central pit or cup , surrounded by one ring or concentric rings or spiral turns .
12 ( d ) Private customers — the number of these is small , and are mainly made up of staff members of the Bank and some UK organisations .
13 Loosely-woven textured varieties are often made up into a heavier type of unlined sheer curtain .
14 The idea is that large , complex systems are often made up of a single , simple shape repeated over and again .
15 Your monthly payments are solely made up of interest : you do not repay a penny of the capital sum .
16 Fitness was , as ever , a big problem and is a deficiency which will not be easily made up during the Championship .
17 New sashes and vents can be easily made up , or in some cases bought ready-made .
18 So you must n't , not only must n't you worry you 've got to be perfectly made up and have a super figure you know while you 're making tanks or or whatever .
19 The projected budget deficit of Epounds 6,900 million ( approximately 8 per cent of gross domestic product-GDP ) would be partially made up by savings of Epounds 6,200 million , leaving a net deficit of Epounds 660 million .
20 Thus , over the course of two or three nights Stages 3,4 and REM sleep are almost made up , while Stage 2 sleep is not .
21 Cleansing and re-applying make-up can irritate the skin if you 've been fully made up during the day .
22 I stop to give a lift to two young warriors who are fully made up in ochre topped by head-dresses .
23 Whilst Roadburg may underestimate the size of the middle-class and female components of the British soccer crowd , he is correct to emphasise that the terraces are chiefly made up of working-class males and that , of this group , it is the youth segment which most often engages in violence .
24 Although curtains are sometimes made up in this fabric it is not always satisfactory as it can be rather stiff .
25 I saw a Mummy examined that had been embalmed for 2,000 years ; the embalmer had taken out all the Viscera of the head , Thorax and Abdomen and cut all the flesh off the bones , and the cavities of the Thorax & Abdomen were filled up with Tar , Pitch & c and the form of the leg , Thigh & c were altogether made up of linen Rags dipp 'd in Tar , Pitch , & c so that I have an Opinion that they were allow 'd to carry the dead Body home by pretending to embalm it to preserve the Flesh & c , but you see they either buried or burnt the Flesh : this art always ‘ till lately appeared to me ridiculous as I know how soon putrefaction took place after Death ; since that time I have often thought it would be pleasing if we could fall upon a method of preserving dead Bodies & I thought that mankind in general would wish to have the Bodies of their Friends & c Preserved .
26 They were mostly made up of their families .
27 We have suffered from the same thing as the other two er Abalance have said today of money being used from our surplus to provide for redundancy and erm i it 's been exacerbated by money being available from the people who are made , made redundant , going to the company and swelling their balance sheets , while all the cost side of it comes out of the pension fund and that has caused a lot of ill-feeling particularly from the older pensioners who have seen years of inflation when their pensions were not made up to the same extent .
28 We have suffered from the same thing as the other two er Abalance have said today of money being used from our surplus to provide for redundancy and erm it 's been exacerbated by money being available from the people who were made , made redundant going to the company and swelling their balance sheets while all the cost side of it comes out of the pension fund and that has caused a lot of ill-feeling particularly from the older pensioners who have seen years of inflation , when their pensions were not made up to the same extent .
29 The reports said that the bandit groups were largely made up of demobilized soldiers .
30 Only a small fraction would elude this category if we accept that , contrary to much contemporary opinion , paupers were largely made up not of a delinquent or a wilfully dependent population but of those who could not work either through incapacity or age , or who could not , in the vagaries of the labour market , find work .
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