Example sentences of "[be] [prep] [subord] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Actions are as if self-initiated by inanimates : this is seen in the large number of inanimate subjects of verbs of motion and activity .
2 ‘ Just think , this is what Heymouth must have been like before electricity was discovered , ’ she said .
3 ’ You know , ’ he went on , ’ I often wonder what it must have been like before people 's working lives began to be separated from their personal lives .
4 It was hard to remember what her life had been like before Leo came , but , whatever it had been , it had to have been more peaceful than this .
5 I wondered what I would have been like if Lili had been my mother , but it was impossible to imagine Lili in the depths of maternity .
6 And I took it to my bank manager who I 'd been with for God knows , all my life , so nearly twenty years , and er he just laughed me straight out of the room .
7 Everyone pushes out the boat to look their best on the Big Day — so imagine what it must be like if money 's no object .
9 When they did get him to speak , after several days , he said , in effect : This is what it would be like if family ties were broken , and how does it feel ?
10 ‘ Frank 's been around the course already , he knew what it would be like if MacQuillan got the Post . ’
11 5 Australians are more fun to be with than Canadians .
12 I used to be a hunt supporter , I used to be a hunt follower I gave up because I object to an attitude of a society of people that life is disposable having seen wounded fox hounds and that is the proper term having seen wounded fox hounds despatched with a revolver because they 've got a broken leg having charged full pelt across a public road and hit a motor car coming the other way and fortunately not injured the occupants of the motor car having seen the damage that a pack of hounds in full cry can do to land that they are not entitled to be upon because fox hounds ca n't read .
13 Well I do n't know where it were from because Ernie used to get his seed from our shop .
14 Yet , take an accident like that hair in the gate , put it together with the coincidental gaze of a ghost , and it 's as if Fonda really has come back to life .
15 It 's as if Cliff Richard had never been born . ’
16 ‘ It 's as if people have been waiting for the Autumn Statement . ’
17 It 's as if Tom Robinson ( the negro ) has no say in what happens to him and a white woman has the right to push him around and refer to him as nigger , overpowering him in all senses of the matter .
18 It 's as if time has stood still , people have lost themselves and the only avenue left is to worship .
19 You spoke of your preference for fashion earlier , it 's as if fashion photography is more honest …
20 It is as if involvement in " character " is the highest goal .
21 It is as if Owen is angry with the sun for its inability to raise the dead .
22 It is as if curriculum development in the past 30 years had never existed ’ ( Times Educational Supplement ) .
23 It is as if industrialism and the growing success and power of science confirm all that the Enlightenment stood for : progress , it seems , really is the stuff of the universe .
24 It is as if Dr Melvile , a psychologist , and Colin Johnson , a journalist , feel that they are springing a brilliantly new idea on us , which nobody has thought of before .
25 It is as if Snow White , living with her step-mother , also had her natural mother living in another part of the kingdom .
26 It is as if Lord Salisbury still decided who should lead the Conservative Party .
27 It is as if Titus lacks the sense of his own identity , as well as that of those around him ; and so another conceptual boundary is blurred that between self and others .
28 In the waters of the monsoon pools of East Africa it is as if man sees a baboon in the mirror , for the development of baboon societies in the very regions in which human social life must have also evolved seems to reflect in extraordinarily detailed ways the emergence of features otherwise unique to human life .
29 It is as if surveyors had worked out what they were going to do and then laid out the plan on the landscape , ignoring the difficult topography of the area .
30 It is as if cowboys besieged in forts on the Western plains were to compose endless anti-Apache ballads to Irish-Scottish traditional tunes .
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