Example sentences of "[be] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly the Catholic Church had a vested interest in Aristotelian philosophy , but much of the conflict ostensibly between science and religion turns out to have been between new science and the sanctified science of the previous generation .
2 Here the choice must have been between good lakes and less good lakes .
3 The most marked shift has been between different sectors : the percentage of output ( Gross Domestic product , or GDP ) accounted for by manufacturing has decreased while the proportion attributable to service industries has increased .
4 Even more importantly , Maisie did n't like chicken , especially free-range , corn-fed , humanely killed chicken that had been through Jungian analysis .
5 Or it may have been through passive smoking .
6 He has a place in Cheltenham in England which he set up some years ago , and he also has a retreat in the French alps in St Claude , and his aim , apparently , is to de-program people who have been through religious sects such as Scientologists , Moonies and now the Hare Krishnas .
7 The NHS has much to learn from other industries and organisations that have been through similar changes .
8 Where interiors have survived , it has been through benign neglect .
9 ‘ The North has been through hard times but things are changing , ’ he said .
10 It must have been heartbreaking for people who had been through sensational experiences to have to recount them to politely tepid audiences and to discover that their stories conformed to an orthodox pattern .
11 And , and how do people find out about you if they 've perhaps been through psychiatric illness ?
12 ‘ Previously the losses have been through voluntary redundancies or retirements , losing some of our most experienced officers .
13 You were so much older than me , you 'd been through broken relationships before and knew how to cope with them .
14 The kind of assistance that governments have offered has usually been through self-help schemes , the giving out of land titles to the inhabitants or offering loans .
15 Our Regional Association has been through difficult times , mainly due to isolation and communication problems .
16 Both Father and Mother had been through difficult times financially in their twenties but Father had founded a fine family business in London which flourished and while both of them were wise and sensible about money there was never any lack of it and funds were available for anything that would widen our horizons and education .
17 Such legislation has been through detailed preparation including the publication of draft clauses .
18 If the choice now is between shoring up a democratically bankrupt Westminster or standing up for the restoration of Scottish democracy , then I am for Scottish democracy .
19 The trend of things had been for agricultural land to go out of production because it was easier to earn a living working in Israel .
20 Yeah I ai n't been for blooming ages .
21 Had the recommendation been for industrial action and the crews voted against , I have no doubt Mr Clarke would have applauded the triumph of democracy .
22 This needs materials scientists , whose contribution is likely to be as decisive for biosensor research as it has been for mainstream biomaterials research .
23 The chief way out of this difficulty has been for empirical studies to focus on surrogates for power , rather than directly on the exercise of power itself .
24 Detailing the " ruthless " abuse of human rights against opponents of the regime , the report said that many executions were officially described as having been for drug-trafficking offences , adding that prisoners had no recourse to legal counsel or right to appeal .
25 Had the Pages ' passion been for Lalique glass , the family might have felt constrained to creep about gingerly on tiptoe .
26 The majority of systems that have been developed have been for restricted domains and small grammars .
27 Basically , the tradition has been for financial landowners to pursue the investment route by building shopping centres as a long-term project , e.g. the Coal Industry Pension fund in North Shields .
28 The trauma underlying religion , which has been for long periods of time forgotten , remaining latent in the unconscious , was also a mixture of sexuality and aggression .
29 She ai n't been for long while has she ?
30 Some of the most effective recruitment campaigns I have worked with have been for limited commitment .
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