Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] first " in BNC.

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1 On May 16 two white mine officials were killed in clashes at the nearby President Steyn gold mine , where black miners had been dismissed after first being attacked by their white colleagues for wearing ANC emblems .
2 Simon Robson has long been regarded as first eleven material , while Stedman has bowled with some success in his slower mode .
3 While notes 3 and 5 in the series of fourths are omitted at first , they later form a chord themselves , joined by note 11 ( note 10 being omitted ) .
4 Shipments of products to the standards are expected in first half 1994 .
5 New acts are attracted by First Division managers because we are visible and our addresses are in Music Week .
6 The conceptual hotch-potch of the traditional curriculum , based on subjects which are a random assortment of content-based , concept-based , skill-based and moral-based collections of ideas ( whose confusing absurdity is in part exemplified by the NCC 's cross-curricular skills which are exactly the same as the curricular subjects ) has never been designed from first principles to do the basic job of a curriculum , which is to help achieve aims in the most effective and efficient way .
7 If the person has been prepared for First Communion by being helped to develop a sense of belonging with others who believe , by being helped to develop a sense of the sacred , and by being helped to develop a sense of the presence of Jesus , and a desire to be in communion with Him and in communion with the others present , the experience of First Communion will be rich and powerful .
8 And , ironically , both opportunities to manage Glentoran Seconds have been presented by first team boss Robert Strain .
9 One would expect that , all things being equal , clinical priorities would determine that the most serious cases are operated upon first , with broader and broader indications being accepted as funding becomes more widely available .
10 Even gentle exercises , such as Yoga , can put tremendous stress on the body if they are done without first dealing with the fundamental issues of end-gaining and faulty sensory perception .
11 School had been tiring at first on transfer but she had soon got used to it : originally she had belonged to a number of clubs in the early day ( Thursday ) when all such activities take place , but now preferred to go home early .
12 Emily Faithfull , young , confident and securely middle-class , appears to have been Operating from first principles rather than speaking or understanding the language of journeymen printers .
13 Mr Major has said privately that he does not believe it is necessary to follow the Taylor recommendations to the letter , but he will insist that the changes are made for First and Second Division clubs .
14 All instruments are made by first pulling gradually tapered needles which are subsequently modified to produce the requisite implement .
15 But then why would Mao in nineteen forty five say that how that they 'd made a major concession to land to the tiller but that this is a correct one and they 're going to , that land reform has to be taken in stages and they 're going to first of all reduce rent and , I mean er
16 Well we 're trying for first of March .
17 It seems to me that they are describing at first hand a world made up of physical materials similar to those which we can see and touch , with an invisible ( to most of us ) non-material life force much like the ether superimposed on it and within it .
18 Variceal haemorrhage in cirrhotic patients carries high early mortality ranging from 31.6 to 63.3% , even when balloon tamponade , drugs or emergency sclerotherapy are used as first line treatment .
19 Example 58 , from Handel 's Messiah , is an early but outstanding example of a powerful accompaniment based on three rhythmic elements : Two elements only are used at first , the ‘ chord ’ rhythm of the upbeat quaver chord at the end of each bar , with its resolution on the first beat of the next bar , and then the higher quaver and semiquaver rhythm .
20 Where combined schools exist , usually in areas where primary and secondary schools have been replaced by first , middle and high schools and whole first and middle schools are occasionally run into a single ( combined school ) organization , there is some continuity of teacher programming from the age of 5 through to 12 years .
21 If they are in different departments they must be brought together physically , whatever departmental objections are raised at first .
22 If they are in different departments they must be brought together physically , whatever departmental objections are raised at first .
23 The door appears to have been entered at first floor level .
24 The flying winger has already been linked with First Division and Scottish clubs , following a string of excellent performances for the Boro .
25 The cultivated reader sensed that he was being teased , and reacted accordingly — ‘ Whatever is too original will be hated at first ’ ( De Quincey ) .
26 En- Janice Cairns as Butterfly tries must be received by first post on Wednesday , November 29 .
27 The aim of this book is to create a broad , multidisciplinary framework for thinking about what students are taught and ought to be taught on first degree courses .
28 It suggested that primary education could be reorganised into first and middle schools .
29 It was commonly accepted , both in Department A and Department B , that final years could be approached by first years for help ; staff were regarded as out of bounds .
30 So there 's me like I 'm sat in first lesson we have P E last lesson sat in the first lesson and I 'm th , I 've thought God my bra strap feels really lose !
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