Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [verb] such " in BNC.

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1 What 's the Devil been eating to get such flesh on him ? ’
2 They do not associate valour with the handsome and arrogant hunter , and young men are taught to pity such evidence of ‘ lack of control ’ .
3 Past contributions had not been calculated to cover such expenditure , but societies felt an obligation to protect faithful members from ending their days on poor relief .
4 The services are targeted at customers with 1,000 personal computers or more , multinational companies , or companies with a lot of branches , and are intended to provide such organisations with a better return on their investment by attacking the hidden costs of installation , support , and implementation of an ever-increasing number of upgrades .
5 For each match , a new active word edge is created carrying the phonemic symbol just matched , and a pointer to the node in the tree which follows that phoneme branch , indicating the set of phonemes which are expected to follow such a beginning .
6 Increases in CO 2 anticipated over the next 50 years are expected to produce such a change by cooling the lower stratosphere .
7 Such phrases try to give us an image of what the organisation is about and individuals within the organisation are expected to adopt such a culture and to pursue the goals that it prescribes .
8 The relevant circumstances were that : ( i ) the limitation terms had nut been negotiated by any representative body ; ( ii ) the buyers could not have discovered the error ( i. e. that the wrong seed had been delivered ) until after the crop was sown , whereas the sellers were in a position to have known ; ( iii ) the buyers could not reasonably have been expected to cover such a risk ( i.e. of crop failure ) by insurance whereas it was possible for seedsmen to cover their liability by insurance at a modest premium which would not have put up the cost of seeds by very much ; ( iv ) the error could not have occurred without some negligence on the part of the sellers .
9 Regarding the social differentiation between the sexes , this conceptual schematization can result ( and I stress that this is just one possibility , and one which admirably serves the needs of patriarchy ) in women being perceived as closer to nature in consequence of the biological facts of childbirth and menstruation ( or rather , a particular cultural interpretation thereof ) , whilst men , who are deemed to lack such a cycle of visible creativity ( and who have other aspects of their own equally natural physiology denied ) , are placed within the realm of culture , manipulating their own social and political existence , and transcending the passive forces of nature .
10 Furthermore such systems have not yet been designed to flood such a warehouse at the speed with which the fire will develop vertically and so far have only been used in conjunction with a sprinkler system at ceiling level .
11 WML has been designed to strengthen such commitment .
12 WML has been designed to strengthen such a commitment .
13 How many little voices have been silenced to censor such embarrassing moments !
14 Attempts have been made to represent such knowledge using a structure known as a script [ Schank & abelson , 1977 ] .
15 Strenuous efforts have been made to program such recognition abilities into microcomputers and several packages for manipulating and comparing spectra are available .
16 Attempts have been made to assimilate such meanings to various pragmatic concepts , for example pragmatic presupposition ( Keenan , 1971 ) , or , as we shall find in the next Chapter , conventional implicature .
17 Laws have been made to check such deceits , but sometimes remedies have been honestly although misguidedly trusted until experience gradually showed their worthlessness .
18 LEAs are empowered to take such steps as they consider are necessary to prevent the breakdown or continuing breakdown of discipline at a school , a power which the Elton Committee urges them to invoke when the situation warrants it .
19 The Court 's competence has been accepted to cover such matters as , for instance , Sunday trading , working hours , the equality of the sexes and whether or not a road should be built through the English countryside at Twyford Down in Hampshire .
20 Recently however the outcomes considered valid indicators of health have been broadened to include such quality of life measures as emotional health , social interaction , functional status , degree of disability and so on .
21 What 's the point in my spending time on you , cultivating you , being perfectly decent towards you , if you 're going to manifest such infantile credulousness , eh ? ’
22 I 've never actually spoken out , other than last year when there were a few incidents with girls where I sort of said well you get what you deserve , you know , if you 're going to operate such a sort of sexist situation , then you 're going to get very difficult for girls because they 've no positive images whatsoever , and I was actually …
23 Instead of confining the Cup to a gleaming glass case somewhere , the Australian Rugby Union took the attitude that if you 're going to win such a proud flag of valour , the only sensible thing to do is to wave it around .
24 The majority of windsurfers , though , do not enjoy the perfect conditions that are needed to perform such spectacular manoeuvres and we have to make do with much smaller and fewer well-shaped waves .
25 No evidence has been produced to substantiate such allegations .
26 I am going to attempt such a classification not with the belief that it is either scientific — this University has a Department of Criminology , and I am sure that my attempts would be regarded as very crude in those august circles — nor with the idea that the classification will be exhaustive , but by way of illustration of my essential point that different criminal phenomena , or anti-law-and-order phenomena , require different types of reaction on the part of the rest of society and imply different prognoses .
27 Professional interpreters and translators are not alone in needing to be able to display bilingual skills : teachers , businesspeople , administrators , welfare service personnel and trade unionists are going to want such skills , but none more so , perhaps , than those who train language teachers .
28 ‘ Those two are going to have such a good time — is n't it just so lucky , their being born almost together ? ’
29 During the 1980s , interest in corporate reporting on environmental issues was muted , but there is evidence that more UK companies are beginning to provide such information in their annual reports .
30 Indeed , if we are going to give a full account of what practitioners do within a discipline , we are bound to use such terms as deciding , assessing , evaluating , judging and criticising .
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