Example sentences of "[conj] begin [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 Whatever their political persuasions , it was the early work of such reformers and philanthropists which created a climate of opinion that began to see the housing of the very poor as part of the social purpose of the state .
2 His memory of her became dulled and blocked , a stalemate of the imagination that began to have the taste of sloth and suicide , like the evil torpor that can ensue from spending night after night without a dream .
3 It is a demand that begins to override the others , and to require immediate attention .
4 The sooner you " sus out " what happens at college , the sooner you 'll settle down and begin to enjoy the college experience .
5 That is all the more reason , they believe , for keeping their crusade going , so that a wider public will react positively and begin to recognise the indicators of abuse .
6 Being able to say these difficult , and intensely private things to her mother before the funeral was the trigger she wanted to be able to grieve genuinely and begin to feel the loss of her mother , rather than nurse the resentment she had had for so many years .
7 If we are willing to embark on an inner journey , we can discover all of the beliefs , expectations and hidden agendas through which we create our own lives , and begin to create the future of our Dreams .
8 This forms as the fibrils fan out and begin to create the spherical outline .
9 As people identify their own problems collaboratively and begin to analyze the conditions that contribute to the problems , they can develop strategies that are appropriate for their own culture , time , and place .
10 This explains why the same perfume smells different on each person and why we go off certain essential oils , and begin to enjoy the ones previously distasteful to us .
11 If only these people could read up a little on the subject in a good book or magazine , they would avoid most of the basic mistakes and begin to enjoy the hobby to the full .
12 The right kind of video material can transfer those limited bits of language to realistic situations outside the classroom and begin to bridge the gap between the two .
13 It is now time to flesh these remarks out a little more and begin to orient the discussion toward some of the themes we shall be discussing in succeeding chapters .
14 Finalise the Report of the International Working Party , seek National Council 's agreement on how to proceed , and begin to implement the resulting policies .
15 What needs to be done is for the leaders who gather in Edinburgh to accept all that and begin to forge the new kind of European Community which is needed .
16 Then , as he goes on listening for a few weeks , looking carefully at ever-new pictures of different cases , a tentative understanding will dawn on him ; he will gradually forget about the ribs and begin to see the lungs .
17 A few hours ' sleep , and he 'd come up fresh and begin to learn the system around here .
18 As the functional role of the state in the economy expands , the executive can develop its role and begin to question the rule by diktat and administrative fiat .
19 The Elves finally succeed in driving the last Dark Elves from northern Ulthuan and begin to sweep the northern seas clear of their ships .
20 I walk slowly through the tunnel beneath the line , one of a dozen returning commuters , cross over the road with ten of them , make my way through the gnarled little streets beyond the redundant town hall with eight of the ten , and begin to climb the scarp of the South London hills with the remaining five .
21 Thoughts of traffic jams , telephones , alarm clocks , jobs and money intrude , and begin to break the Canyon 's spell .
22 About half a millimetre behind the tip , the cells in the core become denser and begin to make the cartilage of the first element in the limb , the humerus .
23 Elsewhere , in the works of Gyorgy Ligeti and Mauricio Kagel , it could question the very bases of musical performance , extending the range of expression and gesture at the same time as it undermined their very validity , and begin to colonise the imprecise border country between theatre , music and performance art .
24 In touring Northern England George Orwell saw the era of state housing moving into its expansionist phase and beginning to transform the urban landscape .
25 Now , after years of self-doubt , she was growing in confidence and beginning to shed the tensions of her formative years .
26 Jones mailed all the details to Pons as the detector was now working and beginning to gather the data that would be the basis of the Brigham Young University-Rafelski paper .
27 The occasion was an immediately recognisable lunch party , after which Comfort and some of the other guests had gone off to swim in the nearby river , while Anthony and Julia had sat together , digesting and beginning to explore the edges of the feeling that was growing between them .
28 She knew that she should never have accepted it , she thought , as she knelt on the carpet , placing the mug down beside her and beginning to search the floor for the elusive ring .
29 He says : ‘ I think we are near the bottom and beginning to see the slope up . ’
30 This woman was able to come to terms with her aggressive pattern by ‘ unscrambling ’ it and beginning to understand the roots of the problem .
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