Example sentences of "[conj] within [art] few " in BNC.

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31 Allen cast around and within a few yards further came upon a man-made path , narrow and winding , but in frequent use .
32 I had left the technical college in February 1980 and within a few weeks had landed an audio typist 's job with a trendy voluntary housing organization .
33 These inspired the Chinese people and within a few years , there had been major efforts to move away from the centralised , planned economic system which was typical of communist regimes .
34 ‘ Frankie would buy a wonderful new suit and within a few minutes he 'd look as though he 'd slept in it .
35 But the marriage plan for Matilda was now dead , and within a few months her father was killed in a border skirmish , and we hear no more of her for the next seven years .
36 The tub is kept in a warm place and within a few days is crawling with worms .
37 Led by Lt Fusata Iida they flew in at a height of 50ft and within a few minutes the airfield was a smoking mess .
38 There were but six people on board , all of whom were killed and although the event was duly reported in the press and other media as one might expect , the world proceeded with its normal business and within a few days the matter had receded into the background .
39 Under the legislation this was not in fact required ( only the Boards as a whole were required to break even ‘ taking one year with another ’ ) , but Citrine and his senior colleagues believed that it was a desirable principle that each Board should break even , and within a few years of nationalisation this was also tacitly accepted by the Boards .
40 A treaty was signed outside Haddington , and within a few weeks Mary , Queen of Scots , was on her way from Dumbarton to Paris .
41 No sooner has it done so than another baby joins on behind in the same way and within a few seconds , the entire litter has formed a caravan behind their parent .
42 As soon as this is big enough to cling to , the speed of construction accelerates and within a few days the wall has become a semicircular cup of creamy white interlacing strings that is just big enough to hold the customary clutch of two eggs .
43 Beyond the apple trees and within a few feet of the river is a large raised platform , visible in winter before its annual submergence in weeds , part of a vanished building , and there are clear lines of stone walls adjoining it .
44 She 's soaking wet and within a few thrusts I 'm ready to come and she 's panting , then grunting then calling out , ‘ Oh , fuck , yes ! ’ and then it 's all over and I collapse over her and then fall off her and almost cut my ear on the cool blade of the kitchen knife lying on the sheet .
45 I was told how to contact him in Rome and within a few minutes he was on the line .
46 His success was short-lived and within a few years Ivan had to accept Turkish suzerainty .
47 Tace , describing the orchid in his novel , had also told where it was to be found , and within a few years every tuber and plant of leuchorchis albida had been stripped from the moor .
48 Samuel had already arrived and within a few minutes they were joined by Neville Chamberlain , MacDonald told them of the situation in the Cabinet , and of his advice to the King .
49 Put a piece of raw meat into a stream and within a few hours it will be covered with small , flat , black worms feeding on it .
50 The proteins move in the electric current at a speed which depends on their electric charge and molecular weights , and within a few hours they have become distributed along the length of the gel — the procedure is called gel electrophoresis .
51 That convinced him he was on the right track and within a few months some alert marketing men in the Wilson Sporting Goods Company were equally impressed .
52 The men followed them and within a few moments lord Hulton and I were standing there just as before watching the tiny figures on the skyline , listening to the distant " Haow , haow ! "
53 Without thinking I tagged on to the end of the marching men and within a few seconds was past the SPs unnoticed .
54 Captain French died in 1854 and within a few years his wife was confined to a mental home .
55 Merceron 's political career began in 1787 , and within a few years he had became a vestryman , a tax commissioner , and a justice of the peace .
56 Cocks married in 1688 Frances , daughter of Richard Neville of Billingbear , Berkshire , and within a few months of being widowed , in 1724 , took as his second wife Mary , daughter of William Bethell of Swindon .
57 But in the 1880s a successful means of refrigerating meat cargoes was found , and within a few years Australian and Argentine beef , New Zealand lamb , and American pork were flooding into the country .
58 The majority of these early volunteers were ex-service men , some with experience of World War I and within a few weeks many of us teenagers barely sixteen jointed the unit .
59 Contact with the man Wagner now kindled an interest in Wagner the theorist and within a few weeks Nietzsche was writing again to Rohde to impress on his friend his high opinion of Wagner 's Opera and Drama , a treatise written nearly twenty years before , but apparently now providing Nietzsche 's first direct acquaintance with any of Wagner 's theoretical works .
60 And within a few days of his return from the United States , he wrote to me on 4 August to the Kensington Mews flat :
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