Example sentences of "[conj] call for the " in BNC.

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1 Following blast at its offices at Charlemont Place in Armagh , spokesman Paul Jackson said students should not telephone the board or call for the next two weeks until the backlog of work has been cleared .
2 Both show life in a mining town with some degree of realism and Reed 's picture , about a community in which the miners are browbeaten into working a coal seam which the proprietor knows to be dangerous , links itself to the documentarist sensibility with an opening voiceover referring to those ‘ simple working people who take heroism for granted as part of their daily lives ’ , and a concluding epilogue that calls for the world to be ‘ purged of its old greeds . ’
3 As the implications of another disastrous election defeat begin to be analysed , it is clear that calls for the Labour Party to embrace PR as a way of breaking the Tory stranglehold are gaining in strength .
4 If , as is postulated here , usage is determined by the meaning to be expressed , the answer must be that there are two different ways of conceiving causation in English , make representing it in a way that calls for the bare infinitive , cause in a way requiring the representation of abstract movement in time signified by to .
5 Some fans have been on to say that calling for the manager 's dismissal is not the answer .
6 They based the Alliance 's first ‘ Force Goals ’ upon outdated concepts that called for the deployment of very large conventional forces by the Alliance .
7 Although America 's electronics industries are keen for the government to renew the parts of this agreement that call for the Japanese to buy more American chips , their ardour for price-fixing has cooled .
8 CONFERENCE delegates yesterday swept aside a warning from the party leadership and called for the next Labour government to take back into public ownership immediately land sold off by privatised water companies .
9 In freezing temperatures and light snowfall , the enthusiastic and emotional crowd in Sofia heard Bulgaria 's most radical demands so far and called for the ousted leader , Mr Todor Zhivkov , to stand trial for fraud and mismanagement .
10 The United States accepted for the first time the phrase ‘ legitimate rights of the Palestinian people ’ and called for the participation of the ‘ Palestinian people ’ , a major concession to the Soviet Union , in return for Soviet retraction of its previous insistence on the participation of the PLO , the establishment of an independent Palestinian state , and the total withdrawal of Israeli forces to the 1949 Armistice Line .
11 Besides denying Dr Darsee government research funds for 10 years , the panel also recommended that Dr Darsee be excluded from serving on any NIH advisory committee for the same period and called for the heart institute to collect from the hospital the estimated cost of the aborted research put at $122 371 .
12 Unreality supervened again as Argentina fired its President Galtieri and called for the immediate withdrawal of British forces .
13 A strong , vocal group argued that Raybestos should not be allowed to emit any asbestos dust from the factory , and called for the use of a safe alternative in the factory process .
14 Dean Martin , Sammy Cahn and Tony tried to calm her down while Sinatra reached for his car radio and called for the police and an ambulance .
15 She drew on sensible boots and a warm woollen cape and called for the carriage to be brought round to the front .
16 If your father 'e 'ad listened to the nurse and called for the doctor and not for the priest — puh ! ’
17 Hearing of the arrest of Martin Luther King in Georgia , he telephoned King 's wife to express his sympathy and called for the release of the highly respected civil rights leader .
18 In May 1948 numerous European political figures met at the Hague and called for the creation of a European parliament as well as an economic union .
19 In mid-November another mass meeting reaffirmed the Naythuyein resolutions and called for the dissolution of the recently formed Governor 's Council .
20 The newly-appointed Estonian leader Vaino Valjas complained that more than 90 per cent of the republican economy was in the hands of Moscow ministries , and called for the balance to be reversed in the republic 's favour .
21 The Latvian party leader Boris Pugo attacked the ‘ boundless diktat of the union ministries ’ and called for the establishment of ‘ genuine sovereignty ’ for the union republics based upon the principle of self-financing .
22 Soviet Germans , about two million strong , established a new All-Union Society of Germans in early 1989 and called for the restoration of their autonomous republic , which had been abolished at the outbreak of the war in 1941 .
23 He emphasised the need for benefits of all kinds to be fairly distributed and attacked the dispensing of glasnost' in measured doses ; he drew attention to nationality differences and called for the ‘ perfection [ in other words , reform ] of the electoral system ’ , a point the General Secretary himself first developed in his speech to the Central Committee the following year .
24 The Chairman of the Sports Council , Peter Yarranton , concurred and called for the expansion of pay and play facilities to at least 30% of all future developments to allow ‘ sport for all ’ .
25 Women supported the idea of compulsory leave from work as long as it was paid leave and called for the adoption of the International Labour Organisation 's Washington Convention , which provided for six weeks maternity leave before and after childbirth .
26 Ward knocked back the rest of his tequila and called for the cuenta .
27 They urged Prime Minister Miklós Németh to reveal who had been privy to the intelligence information , and called for the dismissal of Interior Minister István Horváth ; they stopped short of calling for the government 's resignation , however , saying that the country needed stability before the elections .
28 The protest focused on high rents and called for the resignation of township councillors .
29 When the plenum opened on March 12 , the MPRP general secretary Jambyn Batmönh announced his resignation and that of the seven-member politburo and called for the complete separation of the party and state , saying that the party would henceforth " prove its leading role in the society not constitutionally but with its deeds for happy future [ sic ] of the Mongolian people " .
30 However , a joint Hungarian-Romanian demonstration in the nearby city of Cluj on March 18 had demanded an end to inter-ethnic hostility and called for the resignation of Iliescu and for the dismissal of all members of Ceausescu 's Securitate secret police .
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