Example sentences of "[conj] call for [art] " in BNC.

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1 The only practical problem encountered ( apart from cases where the proffered acknowledgement form was ignored , and the seller returned his own acknowledgement form or called for a special negotiation ) was that some sellers ' administrative systems required the issue of their own acknowledgement form before an order could be logged .
2 Following blast at its offices at Charlemont Place in Armagh , spokesman Paul Jackson said students should not telephone the board or call for the next two weeks until the backlog of work has been cleared .
3 ( 6 ) Where an award has been given in the absence of a party , the arbitrator shall have power on that party 's application to set the award aside and to order a fresh hearing as if the award were a judgment and the application were made pursuant to Ord 37 , r 2. ( 7 ) With the consent of the parties and at any time before giving his decision and either before or after the hearing , the arbitrator may consult any expert or call for an expert report on any matter in dispute or invite an expert to attend the hearing as assessor .
4 Conference , I ask you to support this motion that calls for a publicity campaign to name those employers and establishments that exploit th their staff so they can make a fat profit , and to update the hotel list .
5 In consequence , they tend to see a simple one-to-one relation between attitudes , interests , and group organisation , and so they take the interest group world as a given that arises " naturally " in a way that calls for no complicated explanation .
6 To be brutal , no plan for a branch of public expenditure that calls for an end to disparities by ‘ levelling-up resources ’ across the board will ever drown out the office CD of the former Chief Secretary to the Treasury .
7 Both show life in a mining town with some degree of realism and Reed 's picture , about a community in which the miners are browbeaten into working a coal seam which the proprietor knows to be dangerous , links itself to the documentarist sensibility with an opening voiceover referring to those ‘ simple working people who take heroism for granted as part of their daily lives ’ , and a concluding epilogue that calls for the world to be ‘ purged of its old greeds . ’
8 As the implications of another disastrous election defeat begin to be analysed , it is clear that calls for the Labour Party to embrace PR as a way of breaking the Tory stranglehold are gaining in strength .
9 If , as is postulated here , usage is determined by the meaning to be expressed , the answer must be that there are two different ways of conceiving causation in English , make representing it in a way that calls for the bare infinitive , cause in a way requiring the representation of abstract movement in time signified by to .
10 Some fans have been on to say that calling for the manager 's dismissal is not the answer .
11 Several years ago , when General Motors reached agreement on a contract with the United Auto Workers that called for a new relationship based on cooperation and shared sacrifice , and then , on the same day , announced a new formula for generous executive bonuses , long-time union members simply nodded to themselves .
12 is Above all , he was seen by the young Nietzsche as the proponent of a total philosophy , a vision of life that called for a personal , not merely an intellectual , commitment — a vision that stimulated , and even promised to satisfy , the yearning to be a personal whole attuned to the ultimate values , or non-values , of life .
13 He thought that called for a reaction .
14 They also adopted a political declaration that called for a socialist and ‘ planned-market ’ economy instead of President Boris Yeltsin 's free-market reforms .
15 They based the Alliance 's first ‘ Force Goals ’ upon outdated concepts that called for the deployment of very large conventional forces by the Alliance .
16 Although America 's electronics industries are keen for the government to renew the parts of this agreement that call for the Japanese to buy more American chips , their ardour for price-fixing has cooled .
17 In East Berlin , the well-known opposition figure , Pastor Rainer Eppelmann , said the talks set an example for the whole country , and called for a two-week period of calm on the streets .
18 They welcomed last month 's initiative by Mr Bush and called for a summit with him within 90 days .
19 He named the food supply crisis as the most important question of all , and called for a great ‘ crusade , against speculators and the ‘ kulak' , that recurring bogeyman of the regime until 1928 .
20 The Hindu rightwing Bharatiya Janata party yesterday condemned the massacre and called for a strike in Patiala today in protest against what a party spokesman in New Delhi described as ‘ criminal neglect by the administration to protect innocent people ’ .
21 CHURCHMEN and intellectuals in East Germany , worried about the new , aggressive tone that has crept into the emotional issue of reunification , yesterday warned against confrontation and called for a temporary end to mass street demonstrations .
22 Members of the Vietnam Veterans Association have rejected the findings and called for a Royal Commission into the issue .
23 After he had gone , I packed my own cases , checked the drawers and cupboards of our room and called for a porter .
24 In both cases students and colleagues of those detained have campaigned vigorously for their release and called for a removal of the intellectual straightjacket , but without success .
25 There was a small band away from the tables , and the singer had started as he had begun his meat and called for a second bottle .
26 China has regretted North Korea 's defiance and called for a nuclear-free Korean peninsula .
27 Literature distributed at the rally and the speeches from the platform stressed respect for the Ten Commandments , deplored the loss of a firm traditional moral stand by national leaders , and called for a return to Christian moral standards , buttressed by firm legal controls and sanctions .
28 The propertied classes rallied to the government and called for a halt to all disturbances .
29 On Tuesday 14 June , " representatives of the girls in the composing department of the printing trade , attended to address our [ i.e. WFL ] members " , and on 25 August a deputation went to see the employers and called for a Board of Trade enquiry .
30 So in July he announced to the American public : " we intend to honour our commitments " ( to West Germany and West Berlin ) and called for a build-up of American forces .
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