Example sentences of "[conj] call for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It 's an exciting game that calls for great skill .
2 Now comes the part that calls for real concentration and a steady hand — applying the glue or adhesive .
3 Sizzling occasion that calls for cool drinks and suntan lotion
4 Art & Tech has outlined an extremely ambitious programme that calls for three different mid-engined sports car to be produced .
5 Making OPP film — coextruded oriented polypropylene — is a precise art that calls for careful handling .
6 This is changing fast , and clients are more and more wanting advice and action that calls for considerable finesse , knowledge , and intelligence .
7 A state of life that calls for another way of living .
8 ‘ Be your own lawyer and you 'll have a fool for a client ’ , is an adage that calls for another : ‘ Employ a lawyer and he 'll have a pauper for a client ’ — Sunday Times .
9 Furthermore , if authenticity is to be defined as natural language behaviour ( and it is hard to see how else it might be defined ) there is also the difficulty that learners will naturally incline to draw on their own language in any situation that calls for uncontrived linguistic communication .
10 Barthes 's S/Z brings the reader into particular prominence first in its concept of the scriptible that calls for active involvement on the part of the reader in the production of the text ( which is not to forget that in Critique et vérité Barthes had already described the critic as someone who has actively to produce a meaning for the polysemic text ) ; and second , in its thoroughly intertextual view of literature .
11 Once upon a time , say until the late 1960s , advertising and public relations were skills that called for good writing ability , a flair for commerce , art talents , a large degree of personal charm and verbal fluency , and a sociable nature .
12 The original fade-out provisions that called for progressive expropriation of foreign firms have gone ; and the attempt to create cooperative ‘ regional multi-nationals ’ on the basis of a division of labour and specialisation was abandoned in 1982 .
13 These were films that had been grafted onto the Gaumont-British production programme , rather than emerging out of the script department as projects with potential that called for higher expenditure .
14 Then work steadily through all the entries , noting and raising requisitions on any matters that call for this .
15 The " battle of the plans " became public and dramatic from mid-June , with Yavlinsky presenting his proposals on June 17 to Gorbachev , to the Russian Republic president Boris Yeltsin and to the Khazakstan president Nursultan Nazarbayev , while on the same day Pavlov in remarks to the USSR Supreme Soviet ridiculed the " grand bargain " and called for wider executive powers for the Soviet Council of Ministers in order to deal with the economic crisis .
16 Caledor raised his own standard and called for all true Elves to join him in defence of the realm .
17 They proposed the withdrawal of ships carrying nuclear arms from the Mediterranean and called for all countries to abstain from deploying such weapons in the territories of non-nuclear Mediterranean countries .
18 Most notably , it insisted on the Ukraine 's right to have " its own armed forces , internal security troops and state security bodies " , and to veto the deployment of Ukrainian citizens outside the republic for military service ( a subsequent resolution , adopted on July 30 , condemned the deployment of Ukrainian conscripts in peacekeeping duties in Transcaucasia and Central Asia , and called for all Ukrainian conscripts serving in other republics to be repatriated by Dec. 1 ) .
19 He also pledged to resist extreme nationalist views and called for strong measures to combat corruption , violence and crime .
20 The successful candidates largely represented business interests and called for closer ties with China .
21 Mandal 's report was tabled in the Indian parliament in early 1982 , and called for 27 per cent reservation in government services and undertakings for some 3,750 castes identified as SEBC .
22 This formed a united Serbian region which announced its acceptance of the Collective State Presidency 's position on a solution to the crisis , and called for general mobilization to " solve the problem of Serbs in Croatia militarily , because all … truces concluded so far have been violated by Croatia " .
23 In a sombre May Day speech , Mengistu admitted that the government had suffered setbacks and called for renewed commitment to the war , saying : " It is no longer a question of national unity , but rather of national survival . "
24 The 10-year agreement eased restrictions on imports and called for greater co-operation .
25 Trade Union officials , including former T N G leader , Jack Jones were at the meeting in Banbury , and called for greater financial and emotional support for retired people .
26 He also promised unilateral Soviet military reductions in the region , and called for other Pacific powers to follow suit .
27 The European Communities ( EC ) expressed concern on Nov. 4 at " irregularities " surrounding the elections and called for peaceful dialogue .
28 The ruling DEMOS coalition dissolved itself at a meeting on Dec. 30 , and called for early elections in April or May 1992 .
29 In 1972 , the Swedish government hosted the United Nations Stockholm Conference on the Environment and called for international action to reduce transboundary movement of air pollution .
30 The 15 nations of the South Pacific Forum have condemned French nuclear testing and called for immediate cuts in emissions of greenhouse gases .
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