Example sentences of "[conj] ask for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He had accosted her in a public place , and yet she had n't screamed , or run , or asked for help .
2 Decide whether you will give up your old payoffs , such as blaming other people , feeling sorry for yourself , or asking for love by creating problems .
3 When I got home I found , among the mountain of letters ( mainly telling me I had filled in a blue form when it should have been a yellow one or asking for information I had already given ) , one from the BBC asking me to get in touch with the Punters office in Bristol as soon as possible .
4 Prompts : nodding , saying ‘ yes ’ or ‘ mmm ’ , or asking for clarification ‘ What happened next ? ’ will all encourage the speaker to continue .
5 The depression of last week had lifted like a fever passing when the patient sleeps or asks for food .
6 They had n't they had no er inherent right to make resolutions or ask for increase in wages that was all done at conference by their their representatives .
7 There is a lot to be learnt from standing back and observing the way a child plays with shape and form , but it may be that the child will want to talk about it afterwards , or ask for help to find particular shape materials as he works .
8 One of them was the fact that housing associations ask for the keys is or ask for notification up to a month in advance of the fact that someone 's going to leave and that is not something which in terms of our stock , we find practical to do .
9 Please see the notices or ask for details .
10 Whenever you ask a question of clarification or ask for information nine times out of ten clarification or information is forthcoming .
11 There is always a warm welcome from two smiling faces , Julia and Denise are pleased to see you whether you want to buy , browse or ask for advice .
12 No shaman was present to preside or to ask for God 's blessing upon Artai 's reign , Alexei saw , for it was a fact that there was no such thing as organised religion on this world , and even casual superstition was not permitted to interfere for long in the affairs of men .
13 It held passion and fire , it was a kiss of domination that asked for surrender yet promised surrender in return .
14 Encourage comment , speculation and prediction rather than asking for reproduction of what they have heard .
15 And rather than asking for commission from suppliers he often buys the weapons himself and sells them at a profit .
16 Nor asks for Joys but what his Pasture yields ;
17 I suppose the heat had made me edgy : though I knew that to ask for money as a loan was the only way she could keep her dignity , I held an angry conversation with her in my mind .
18 The driver is that , even though I am suffering , it adds merit to what I do — i.e. I will stand rather than sit , I will struggle through alone rather than ask for help .
19 He told them how morally indefensible was the policy of apartheid , and asked for prayer for Africa .
20 Some time after this Mrs Meehan wrote to me that her husband was innocent , and asked for assistance in having his case reviewed .
21 The government has declared a state of emergency and asked for assistance from the US .
22 He picked up the phone again and asked for Agnes at the Mount Row number .
23 He fed mints to dray horses , said hello to a caged European eagle owl called Gonzo and let two barn owls fly on and off his arm as a smiling crowd clapped and asked for autographs .
24 They checked into the St Regis Hotel and when some people discovered who he was , they called at his hotel room and asked for autographs .
25 When I arrived at the Palace gates with my invitation card I was somewhat taken aback when two or three in the crowd around the railings recognized me and asked for autographs — in that place of all places !
26 He adds sadly : ‘ It 's impossible for me to go on a quiet date as I get recognised everywhere and asked for autographs . ’
27 But I had informed the police and asked for help even before the doorbell rang .
28 A mother may set out some crayons and paper or plasticine while she gets on with the ironing but she should expect to be interrupted and asked for help .
29 Last year , in response to a request from South Africa 's Bishop of Kimberley , three Carmelite nuns in Germany , knowing Darlington 's links with South Africa , contacted the convent and asked for help .
30 Another letter from the middle school was about a visiting theatre group and asked for money as well as a tear-off slip .
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