Example sentences of "[conj] might [prep] first " in BNC.

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1 This is perhaps a more useful analogy than might at first sight appear .
2 to the pressure in the car tyres and to keep the trailer tyres at a higher pressure than might at first seem necessary .
3 The significance of the objections we have just noted is much more important than might at first appear .
4 The process of proletarianisation itself is a more complex issue than might at first be supposed .
5 Second , the actual cost , both in time and money , can be very much less than might at first be anticipated .
6 To write this sounds platitudinous , yet to translate that understanding into daily practice is far more difficult than might at first appear .
7 Compiling this listing has proved that there are more Japanese aircraft extant than might at first be envisaged .
8 The Birmingham School approach examines spoken discourse , seeking to interpret it in terms of a rank structure and showing that when it is analysed after the event , there is more order and form in it than might at first be apparent .
9 There are more common factors , it suggests , than might at first appear .
10 This last is less of a restriction than might at first be supposed .
11 Certain sectors may suffer in a bad year , for instance , salt sales may plummet if the UK has a mild winter [ as has been the case in 1987/8 ] , but product diversity usually ensures that the business as a whole is more robust and less cyclical than might at first seem apparent .
12 ( However , it should be pointed out that the Welsh and Scottish figures are percentages of much higher unemployment rates and are , therefore , not as favourable as might at first seem ) .
13 This structure is not , as might at first be imagined , derived from a fantasy of power relations modelled on a medieval joust but from the phenomenological account of the constitution of knowledge that works according to the structure of a subject perceiving an object , a same/other dialectic in which the other is first constituted by the same through its negation as other before being incorporated within it .
14 It follows that the contrast between them and Schoenberg 's setting of Dehmel , Schlaf ( Op. 2 ) and Stefan George ( Op. 15 ) is not as great as might at first be thought .
15 Nor is this only a question of a difference between writing and speech , as might at first appear .
16 Body position and movement also play an important part — although the fact that turns latch on to each other successfully in telephone conversations seems to suggest that these factors , like gaze , are perhaps not as important as might at first appear .
17 Nor was I as isolated as might at first appear .
18 A quite important task is to try to show why the set of intensional patterns is not , as might at first appear , a haphazard collection but in fact the natural set that one would expect to find in a human language .
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