Example sentences of "[conj] set in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Although set in an overtly political atmosphere , its purpose is unashamedly entertainment .
2 Nothing else would change , though , the north geographic pole would n't move , and if we were to go outside to check up , the sun would still rise and set in the same place , and the Pole Star would appear at night over the local gas works .
3 Nasa said the plutonium is in marshmallow-size nuggets , each encased in three layers of protective material and set in a ceramic honeycomb , in turn contained in a cylinder made of layers of metal and fibreglass ¾ in thick .
4 You approach the park down a long avenue , past lawns carefully tended and set in a girdle of trees .
5 A delightful modern hotel , the Moser is built in typical Tyrolean style and set in a quiet but central part of St. Johann .
6 That picture ‘ turned life a little under his very eye … all , through Frances ‘ s eyes , could be made static and beautiful and set in a pattern ’ .
7 Of course , in her father 's estimation , it was not much of a house , a warren of smallish rooms was how he saw it , and set in a damp situation on the side of a river valley .
8 It was much larger than the others and set in a grove of coconut palms above the beach .
9 Head large , with large eyes facing forwards and set in a flattened facial disc , whose feathers usually conceal the short hooked bill .
10 The tooth , for example , is a living organ , at equilibrium with a complex biological environment and set in the mouth close to blood vessels , nerves , sense organs and salivary glands .
11 Although it seems unlikely , it does have a history of herbal use , being listed in Gerard 's herbal ; " the floures steeped in oil and set in the Sun , are good to anoint the body that is benummed , and growne very cold " .
12 Although the little hut at Trebyan was only a couple of hundred yards from the house and the pottery it was over the slope of the hill and hemmed in by gorse and hawthorn : a single large room with a verandah , built of lap boarding , raised on a brick base and set in the side of the hill .
13 And set in the centre of the hollow was a house that was a picturesque jumble of gables and tall chimneys , uneven roofs and latticed windows .
14 The play , written by André Birabeau and set in the Paris of 1919 , brought praise for the performances of Crawford and his co-star , nineteen-year-old Sarah Long , who had played the same role a year earlier when a different production was staged in Brighton and London .
15 I found it was possible with Paradise to talk about individual and personal responsibility , something which if set in a contemporary context would have had a preachy feel about it . ’
16 Because of the direction in which the Earth revolves , the sun always rises in the east and sets in the west .
17 Quite often the moon as the earth moves as the earth rotates the moon appears to rise and set in the sky .
18 This may not seem much in terms of Hong Kong 's caseload of more tha 40,000 Vietnamese , but set in a historical context it is an achievement .
19 The figures are both shocking and tragic , but set in the context of 19th-century political convulsions in France they are relatively mild .
20 The Corn is Green is a kind of ‘ thirties Educating Rita , but set in the Welsh coalfields and without the frivolous distractions of student life .
21 Here , too , the features were large , and clumsily applied : a nose like a ridge of clay , lips that recalled a Nubian 's , though set in a bitter line ; a protruding blue chin and ears so prominent that they covered half the sides of his head .
22 Though set in a biblical past , the poem used the popular application of typology to indicate a present importance .
23 Glass shelves are often particularly effective , especially when set in a mirrored alcove , and lit from above or below , or both .
24 It might also encourage the lordly ones who run the Trust to see that its properties only have real value and interest when set in a wider social background that the rather greenery-yallery context in which too many of them are set for us by the Trust 's publications .
25 This little study , when set in the appropriate context , was turned into a short piece for a local history magazine .
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