Example sentences of "[conj] set [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Would a trust , for example to construct a public building or to set up a private monument , actually be enforced as such ?
2 Mrs Peysner hopes that the money will be used instead to improve day facilities for this group at other homes or to set up a mobile day unit .
3 The positive reactions are attempts to re-create the trauma , to re-experience it , or to set up a relationship analogous to an earlier one .
4 There will be no attempt to define exactly what art criticism is , or to set out a theory of criticism , beyond the suggestions of some differences in writings on art which have already been made .
5 It is only when thus defined that Parliament ‘ has , under the English constitution , the right to make or unmake any law whatsoever ; and , further , that no person or body is recognised … as having the right to override or set aside the legislation of Parliament ’ .
6 The principle of Parliamentary sovereignty means neither more nor less than this , namely , that Parliament thus defined has , under the English constitution , the right to make or unmake any law whatever ; and , further , that no person or body is recognised by the law of England as having a right to override or set aside the legislation of Parliament .
7 Parliamentary sovereignty , he wrote , meant that Parliament had " the right to make or unmake any law whatever ; and , further , that no person or body is recognized by the law of England as having a right to override or set aside the legislation of Parliament . "
8 However , the court can also still remit or set aside an arbitration award , under s22 and s23 of the Arbitration Act 1950 , and this continues to be a relatively frequently exercised right .
9 However , such a transaction is valid as between the company and the other party to it , and the court may on the application of the company or the other party to the transaction , affirm , sever , or set aside the transaction on such terms as the court sees fit ( s. 322A(7)CA ) .
10 The best way to practise your tiling skills if you 've never done any before if by covering just a small area such as a washbasin splashback , where setting out the tiles so they are centred on the area concerned is a simple job , and you have the minimum of tile cutting to do .
11 Being able to stay in your own home or setting up a home of your own is something that most people value greatly .
12 If instead of paid work , you are thinking of becoming self-employed or setting up a business , you will not only have the start-up costs but , as you are probably well aware , very few new enterprises make a profit during the first two or three years .
13 We 've started it in our studio , bringing their people into the city or setting up a kind of branch over there where people can work together and so you do n't get the political problems of ownerships , of people saying well that 's your idea , you know , it 's the old thing of as soon as the client thinks that it 's his idea then he wants it , and it 's very hard .
14 Standard machines measure 600 mm ( 23⅝in ) deep by 595 mm ( 23⅜in ) wide , to fit between units and can be stacked one above the other , but , unless you have a separate utility room , that does not leave much space nearby for storing laundry supplies and accessories or setting down the just cleaned laundry .
15 It is up to them whether they move in with Mum and Dad or set up a caravan on site until the work is finished .
16 We will strengthen support for such schemes and consult about the possibility of creating a new tax incentive to encourage companies to establish or extend an ESOP or set up a co-operative .
17 Others have found it more advantageous to acquire a local bank or set up a joint venture with local banks .
18 Councils in other parts of the country also adopted the Manchester approach and appointed workers or set up a unit .
19 Or set up a business ?
20 They could have published a White Paper or set up a commission of inquiry .
21 Trotsky was more concerned to confront Stalinism and expose the bureaucratization of his regime than to set out an alternative model of non-bureaucratized government under socialism or communism .
22 In fact , at most matches , they do very little at all except set up a few chants when things are a bit quiet .
23 A list that sets out the items carefully in red ink , a thin trail of watery blood over the paper .
24 The er the county council came forward with these policies as a result of comments that er districts made a number of years ago and perhaps er over a passage of time erm makes at least validity your point but I I remain of the the view that there is in the there is nothing in the county structure plan that sets out the basic objective of protecting the countryside and still feel that 's a valid objective within the structure plan erm within the structure plan er context .
25 It seems to be referring to a document that that that sets out the whole total quality process as far as the commission is concerned .
26 It was obvious now to the World that America 's involvement had driven Kennedy into supporting a corrupt , totalitarian government because the US felt that stopping Communism was more important than setting up a democratic government in South Vietnam .
27 We need members need to get a grip on what is happening and my wife suggests this , that the panel erm rather than setting up a new panel , look at the whole issue of school meals , this and other issues .
28 From this point of view the French have never regarded fascism as an aberration , concurring rather with Césaire and Fanon that it can be explained quite simply as European colonialism brought home to Europe by a country that had been deprived of its overseas empire after World War I. French poststructuralism , therefore , involves a critique of reason as a system of domination comparable to that of the Frankfurt School , but rather than setting up the possibility of a purged reason operating in an unblocked , ideal speech situation as a defence against tyranny and coercion in the manner of a Habermas , it reanalyses the operations of reason as such .
29 Mr Major has said that setting up a Scottish parliament would lead to Scottish MPs becoming ‘ second class ’ , speeding the break-up of the United Kingdom .
30 Some members also believe that setting up a faculty would be tantamount to handing auditing on a plate to those critics of the profession who have called for auditing matters to be placed under independent control .
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