Example sentences of "[conj] write for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps there is some activity you have often thought you would try ‘ sometime ’ : Is now the opportunity to begin dog-training , Jogging , meditation , writing to The Times or writing for the radio ?
2 A free haircare leaflet comes with most brushes — or write for a copy to :
3 Have a word with us , discuss your plans , ring or write for a meeting with our Technical Designer .
5 Telephone or write for a personal itinerary today .
6 Call or write for the Concordia Custom Yacht Design brochure .
7 And the people that write for the Sun know that the readers of the Sun will read that if they have a headline like that .
8 Another person who was around the scene at the time was Chrissie Hynde who , after Malcolm 's shop and writing for the NME , had really been scuffling around .
9 For my own part , I enjoyed reading the old Punch and writing for the new one .
10 George : ‘ You would n't have been born and writing for THE FACE if it was n't for someone spunking off . ’
11 It was probably a mistake to programme Judith Weir 's Isti Mirant Stella ( dedicated to Maxwell Davies , and written for the St Magnus Festival in Orkney some ten years ago ) alongside the new work .
12 Theologians were constantly in demand to speak and write for a wide public which was eager to understand the Council 's message and importance .
13 Carolina , a sixteen-year-old whose mother is learning to read and write for the first time , is a voluntary helper with the grandmothers ' group .
14 In Cambridge in the 1930s he ran a gallery of modern art with Julian Trevelyan , edited Shakespeare 's 1593 Quarto of Venus and Adonis , with Jacob Bronowski [ q.v. ] founded and wrote for the magazine Experiment , and designed sets and costumes for theatrical productions .
15 THE LOVELY Karen Grant tells her porcine pa , Bobby , ‘ I want to be like Julie Burchill and write for the NME . ’
16 Having seen all of this , Stoker , they say , told Irving he wished not only to administer Irving 's theatrical affairs , but to write for the great man .
17 But no entry is given by Meude-Monpas for ‘ Batteur de mesure , and it is relevant to note that Meude-Monpas 's stated purpose was not to be academic about things , but to write for the ordinary reader .
18 The best way of avoiding temptation is to make a habit , unless writing for an abnormally large orchestra , of employing only two percussion players , one for the kettledrums exclusively , and the other for the rest of the percussion .
19 Johnny Giles , as well as writing for the Mail , writes regular articles for the Evening Herald in Dublin .
20 In the seventeenth century , people stopped writing in Latin even when writing for the learned , and various attempts were made at making up universal languages .
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