Example sentences of "[conj] out [prep] place " in BNC.

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1 I asked , getting that first warning flicker that something was wrong or out of place .
2 faulty or out of place .
3 Forlorn , comical , and out of place , it bobbed towards Stanley 's car , its edges blurred by the storm .
4 As usual on such occasions , Molyneaux looked a little embarrassed and out of place , as if he did not particularly relish the ‘ glad-handing ’ of strangers .
5 Immediately beyond , a short lane leads up to a long terrace of cottages built to house the workers of the Millthrop woollen mill nearby across the river , and looking rather forlorn and out of place since their source of employment was destroyed by fire many years ago .
6 Now it looked foolish and out of place .
7 The callousness of Luke 's words seemed out of character — and out of place for a mere historical discussion .
8 ‘ Poor darling , ’ Steve soothed and then he smiled in that boyish way that always cheered her up but was so terribly wasted and out of place this time .
9 Gentlemanly distaste for ‘ trade ’ is as out of place in sport as it is in the Conservative Party of Mrs Thatcher .
10 In the changing conceptual frame inside which a science progresses , it would be as out of place to look for progress as in the styles of an art .
11 At Regine 's , where Jody Scheckter would have been as out of place as a hyena at a symphony concert , James was thoroughly at home .
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