Example sentences of "[conj] her [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 It was typical of his self-absorption that he displayed no curiosity about her sudden haste to return to her apartment or her plans for the evening and weekend .
2 It should be a comprehensive document , approved by the client , which defines his or her requirements for the project .
3 The closer a head is to the classroom and the challenges confronting class teachers , the greater his or her opportunities for evolving policies which reconcile ideals with practical circumstances .
4 Hence there follows a full description of the origin and staple features of the constituent parts of the traditional farmstead because it is important that the untutored town dweller who is contemplating the purchase and conversion of an old farm building should recognise the different building types , understand the operational influences which shaped the form of each structure , and frame his or her ideas for the conversion so that any permanent evidence of agricultural history which the building provides is not erased .
5 It became clear that her reasons for not wanting to come forward were based largely on feeling guilty about her children being affected or at risk .
6 José Mendoza Angulo became Minister of Justice ( replacing Arminda Quintana , who had resigned by March 6 after only 10 days in office , claiming that her proposals for judicial reform were being ignored ) , Pedro Vallenilla Minister of Development and Teresa Alvanez Barnola Minister of the Family .
7 It was a subconscious form of mourning for a foolish love she 'd allowed to spring to life in her heart , only to kill stone dead — except that her feelings for Dane were far from dead , she acknowledged ruefully .
8 In return she should ensure that her mechanisms for protecting research and education are robust enough to enable London 's hospitals to operate fairly within the internal market .
9 You must n't feel that I do n't want to read it , but I am a little frightened of reading it after , well , after mother and her feelings for — for her mother and for me . ’
10 Dexter guessed that she thought the same as him but was keen to learn as much as she could from Blufton about Nicola and her motives for giving these ‘ facts ’ to the chairman of TVL .
11 In addition he was able to acquire an heiress and her estates for his eldest son , Walter .
12 I have known Annabelle and her parents for many years , since I/we/they came to live in London/Glasgow/Cardiff .
13 The gangly singer — who later admitted he was the worse the wear for drink — ineptly mimicked Kylie and her dancers for two embarrassing minutes .
14 As he repositioned the pins , she suddenly decided to take the opportunity to mention Constance and her plans for her .
15 Because the group had known her and her children for some time they agreed to ‘ have a go ’ and the placement went ahead .
16 After her divorce her mother suffered a virtual nervous breakdown and had to look after her and her sisters for a while .
17 She had been relying on her blade , her teeth and her hands for too long .
18 Deborah works from a tiny office , alone except for one part-time secretary , and I wanted very much to talk about this tiny charity and her hopes for its growth .
19 But her motives for writing seemed phoney — he believed it was just a form of competing with him and also imitation of Eleanor .
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