Example sentences of "[conj] by the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Where by the order a party is first ordered to do the act , and there is then added a clause in the order that in default of so doing specific consequences will follow , the part that directs the act to be done must use one or other of the above forms of wording .
2 Where by the Act or the rules the time limited for doing any act is seven days or less , Saturday , Sunday , Christmas Day , Good Friday , Tuesday in Easter week , Bank Holidays and any other day on which the offices of the court are closed must be excluded in computing such time .
3 This Invention relates to lifts for transferring barges and other vessels from one level to another on canals and other waterways in lieu of an ordinary lock or flight of locks , the object of the invention being to obviate the loss of water from the higher to the lower level by lockage inseparable from the ordinary system and to provide for the passage of vessels simultaneously in both directions and at a single life and between levels of widely different altitude where by the loss of time incidental to the passage through a flight of locks is in great measure avoided .
4 ( 2 ) Provided that where by the partnership contract an option is given to surviving or continuing partners to purchase the interest of a deceased or outgoing partner , and that option is duly exercised , the estate of the deceased partner , or the outgoing partner or his estate , as the case may be , is not entitled to any further or other share of profits ; but if any partner assuming to act in exercise of the option does not in all material respects comply with the terms thereof , he is liable to account under the foregoing provisions of this section .
5 The government interest was even stronger in the upper chamber , where by the end of Anne 's reign between 40 per cent to 50 per cent of those peers active in the house held places or pensions from the Court .
6 ( Hey recorded as Key , for instance ) or by the choice of alternative Christian names ( e.g. the second one used in preference to the first ) or by evasion of the system before penalties were introduced in 1875 .
7 The whole operation was for Reagan 's sake , as well as the hostages ' ; it was a present for him , preferably one to be delivered by Christmas , or by the State of the Union address in January , or by the elections in November .
8 In such systems , labour rewarded by money wages ( if money wages are a possibility ) rates lower than labour directly rewarded by reciprocal labour in kind or by the payment , often after considerable delay , of non-monetary gifts , or by hospitality and the gift of food .
9 We should take it easy and not be led by the nose by the Commission or by the Council of Foreign Ministers .
10 The Committee did stress that there was ‘ a real desire for improvement ’ and prepared a draft Convention which provided for service via the consular channel , or by an agent appointed either by a party or by the Court whose process was involved .
11 The power conferred by the other paragraphs can be exercised either by the registrar or by the court .
12 The applicants , Coventry Newspapers Ltd. , ( ‘ C.N.L. ’ ) , defendants in a libel action brought against them by David Woodley and Roger Clifford , sought ( 1 ) a declaration that C.N.L. were at liberty to receive from Michael Thomas Bromell copies of all such witness statements , notes , notebooks and other documents which had come into existence in the course of an investigation by the Police Complaints Authority into the conduct of David Woodley and Roger Clifford as had been read to or by the Court of Appeal ( Criminal Division ) or had been referred to in open court during the hearing of Reg. v. Bromell ( unreported ) , 22 June 1992 , C.A. , on a reference , dated 10 May 1991 , of his case by the Home Secretary under section 17(1) ( a ) of the Criminal Appeal Act 1968 ; and/or ( 2 ) variation of the implied undertaking pursuant to which Michael Thomas Bromell had received the documents under the order of the Court of Appeal ( Criminal Division ) on 9 July 1991 , so as to permit him to disclose copies of all such documents described in ( 1 ) above to C.N.L. for the purpose of defending the libel action .
13 His submission in this regard is that they have now been ‘ read to or by the court , or referred to , in open court ’ within the meaning of R.S.C. , Ord. 24 , r. 14A — introduced with effect from 1 October 1987 following Home Office v. Harman [ 1983 ] 1 A.C. 280 as part of the friendly settlement resulting from Miss Harman 's successful application before the European Commission of Human Rights .
14 The following must be stated in a proof of debt ( r 6.98(1) ) : ( i ) the creditor 's name and address ; ( ii ) the total amount of the debt as at the date of the bankruptcy order ; ( iii ) whether interest is included ; ( iv ) whether VAT is included ; ( v ) whether any part of the debt is a preferential debt as defined in s 386 of and Sched 6 to the Act ; ( vi ) particulars of how and when the debt was incurred ; ( vii ) particulars of any security held and , if so , its value ; ( viii ) the name , address and authority of the person signing if not the creditor himself ; and ( ix ) any documents which can substantiate the claim though these need not be sent unless the trustee requests them ( r 6.98(3) ) ; ( x ) if the debt was incurred in a foreign currency , the sterling equivalent at the date of the bankruptcy order must be calculated and stated ( r 6.111 ) and the rate of exchange must be the official rate , ie that fixed by the Bank of England or by the court .
15 This appointment will normally be made by the debentureholder under an express or implied power in the debenture , or by the court .
16 The criteria for an Order for Consolidation , which may be made on application or by the court , are the same as for joinder of parties , viz a common question of law or fact , the relief sought arises out of the same transaction , or , " it is desirable " for " some other reason " .
17 An order for wasted costs may be made against a legal representative on the application of any party to the proceedings or by the court on its own motion ( Magistrates ' Courts ( Costs Against Legal Representatives in Civil Proceedings ) Rules 1991 ( SI No 2096 ) ) .
18 Approval by the OFT or by the court does not guarantee that individual terms will be considered reasonable if they are challenged under the UCTA 1977 .
19 However , if there is a recommended set of conditions , approved by the OFT or by the court , the drafter may adopt them with some confidence that they will pass the reasonableness test .
20 Yet signs are not wanting that the mental effort of doing so is one which will become more and more difficult as the memory of the distinct courts of Law and Equity dies out ; and perhaps already the unified jurisdiction of the High Court , and the statutes which have codified certain branches of Common Law and Equity , have produced some results which could hardly have been given by any combination of proceedings in the separate courts , or by the development of the law solely by means of cases decided in them .
21 In practice micro-corporatism of this sort has only been undertaken with any consistency by local government and their agencies ( such as the enterprise boards ) or by the development agencies ( see , for example , Greater London Council ( 1985 ) and Murray ( 1987 ) ) .
22 The obscurity of parts of scripture was also a source of embarrassment if one took the books collectively to be the essential medium of divine revelation ; but that could be mitigated by allegory , or by the principle that obscure texts are interpreted by what is clear .
23 In such a case the surgeon may lawfully operate , in the knowledge that he can be justified either by consent or by the principle of necessity , whichever is in fact applicable .
24 Disease is an easier concept to define as it is , in theory at least , identifiable by either deviation from measurable biological standards or by the presence of pathology .
25 As an alternative , he tried on occasions to tax them in assemblies which were not parliaments nor yet independent clerical gatherings , but he alarmed the clergy either by the writs which he used then or by the presence of his lay councillors at the meetings .
26 The task of assignment may be complicated by the absence of some expected bands with fortuitously low intensity , or by the presence of formally-forbidden overtone or combination bands , which may have appreciable intensity if the conditions for Fermi resonance are satisfied .
27 It implies a process of hiring and firing by the day or by the hour and a high level of job insecurity .
28 They have usually been caused to reconsider their position vis-à-vis the church through contact with a zealous Christian friend or by the church demonstrating a quality of life which was previously unknown to the disillusioned ‘ back-slider ’ .
29 Tufte introduces the idea of data-ink to describe any part of a graphic that conveys measured quantities by , for instance , position on the page , by length , or by the word or numerals it forms .
30 I 'd just like to elude to the er positive string on exchange , we take our profits in during the year at an average rate , but the cash benefit obviously er year on year is , is better than that er to the extent that the erm dollar has strengthened throughout the year or by the year end against the pound and we get the full benefit of that in our cash flow .
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