Example sentences of "[conj] do the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Following a day out by the river , the class were asked in pairs to make a picture or a model of something they had seen or done the previous day .
2 It is well worth visiting just as a tourist or to do the five-hour walk along the bottom of the gorge .
3 There was a price agreement for a specific task , either coal-getting or doing the necessary stonework in preparation , and Trist et al. ( 1963 ) observe that management dealt with workers through the union to a far greater extent than in most industries .
4 Or it may show its need to excel by jumping obstacles better than other horses , or doing the perfect workout in the show ring or dressage arena , producing the most fantastic extended trot when shown in hand , or behaving perfectly with a beginner rider on its back .
5 It 's almost as though he 's afraid they are going to cheat him out of something , or do the dirty on him . ’
6 Or do the nuclear powers-that be believe that they have won for the world not only peace in our time , but peace for a million years and more .
7 Or did the partial substitutions usually fail causing dead-ends in the lattice ?
8 Or did the thin , eerie song come from that lopsided , blue-eyed elf sitting on top of a cotton bale and staring down at her ?
9 Or did the white men vanish from the tribe 's memory as completely as the tribe vanished for the white man ?
10 Is it my imagination or does the tranquil state of mind the car encourages contribute to these things ?
11 " Or does the mere suggestion make you want to heave ? "
12 Or does the causal level contain factors of another sort which do the real work ?
13 Or does the famous double standard apply here ?
14 Which is it — massive increases in normal basic income tax , or does the Labour party intend to reject all the spending plans with which it has conned the electorate by saying that it will engage in them ?
15 Do these differences arise from the local packing of cations and anions , or does the random network of chains and planes of silicate , for instance , impose the main constraint ?
16 Do you think of it in terms of a melody and then harmonise it , or does the whole thing come as a block concept ?
17 Or does the legendary Liverpudlian personality shine through their style ?
18 So it was much easier if you had n't got a lot of money to fake some action , and produce some fake Boer war newsreels than to do the real thing .
19 And it 's particularly , I think , acute in the parish of Saint Mary 's and Saint John 's because the vicarage has been empty for two years and erm they built a new house , it was more it was cheaper to build a new house than to do the old one up , but there it 's been sat , empty for two years , and erm they 've been trying to find a buyer .
20 Next Saturday my Medau friend Camilla and I are each going to swim 100 lengths non-stop ( as the ‘ Medau Duo ’ ) in the national charity swimming marathon ( as you might guess , it 's called a ‘ swimathon ’ ) , so have been collecting sponsors , which is rather more arduous than doing the actual swimming .
21 Kibbutzim , to which it bears most resemblance , do not ; nor do the traditional Eskimo communities .
22 Nor do the home-based banks have any interest in seeing the peso collapse .
23 Nor do the new orders pouring almost daily into the UN 's kitchen end with Iraq .
24 Nor do the other attributes of incorporation suggest a basis on which a more extensive right of intervention on public interest grounds could be justified in the case of a company , than of , say , a partnership , simply in virtue of their respective legal characteristics .
25 I trudged along and paid the usual fee to the port collector , then presented myself to a Vadinamian Warden , one of the high officials overseeing the Intelloids that do the real work .
26 Those obviously include all the further education colleges that do the basic um and the basic things and then the H N C H N D it gives you the open learning things which includes then the private sector people communicate and all sorts of other agencies , erm it depends really what you see as a beginner , do you mean a beginner in the communications field in its entirety , or do you mean a beginner as an in-house industrial editor or a freelancer by definition a beginner is not likely to be a freelancer ?
27 The central London postmark did n't give any clues , nor did the good quality envelope .
28 Nor did the other guests seem to suspect anything .
29 Nor did the other women seem to be responding quite as she expected .
30 Nor did the general public have a very high regard of embalming , believing it to be another unnecessary luxury meted out to the corpses of the rich .
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