Example sentences of "[conj] do i know " in BNC.

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1 There is an hour when I must die , Nor do I know how soon ‘ twill come A thousand children , young as I , Are call 'd by death to hear their doom .
2 ‘ Father , ’ said Tutilo , burning into startling whiteness , ‘ I pledge you my faith I never did nor never would have done him any harm , nor do I know of any who might need to wish him ill .
3 Nor did I know that our intestinal tracts are those of a herbivore , 32 feet long and that if we were meant in enjoy Contre-filet braisé à l'ancienne they would be only a quarter of that length .
4 Nor did I know that , in the normal human body , up to 100,000 cells can become cancerous every single day .
5 He said he 'd just come back from Amsterdam and he had tried some and said it was great and did I know where he could get some .
6 Pointy-Beard simply said that Sunil wanted to see me when he 'd finished eating and we were going to meet him at Shazam 's and did I know it .
7 But do I know her thoughts , her wishes , her feelings ? a voice suddenly whispered .
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