Example sentences of "[conj] they [be] the " in BNC.

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1 Taking these and studies commissioned by donors in countries where they are the predominant donor into account , it appears that only about ten African aid recipients have been studied in this way .
2 The Conservatives now have six representatives on the local council , where they are the largest party , and desperately need a victory in North Down on Thursday to establish themselves in the province .
3 Fermanagh , where they are the target of current exploration by the Aran Group .
4 Once women have reached senior management , for instance , where they are the only woman among 20 or 50 men , some companies tend to see them as the token woman singlehandedly proving that the company is encouraging and supporting women to reach the top .
5 In conjunction with this premium increase we are also introducing exclusively to members in Great Britain and Northern Ireland with effect from 1st May next reduced rates for wives where their spouses have for their benefit separate cars where they are the main drivers provided that the wives are : —
6 Or they 're the right size but they 've got the hard bristles
7 Are their open jaws the jaws of Hell , or they are the equivalent of a near-Satanic Dirty Dozen , under the command of the angels — the church 's way of fighting like with like ?
8 Or they are the more diffused poor of the Old South and of the region of the Rio Grande in Texas .
9 But , you know , when you explain these concepts to the people who are part of that committee , or they are the chairman of that committee — it 's very easy to say , ‘ Yeah , that other committee is really bad .
10 These were not able to afford education or were unable to pass the necessary scholarship or entrance exams , or they were the sons and daughters of artisans seeking similar type craft training for their offspring .
11 Or they were the wings of that sweet-faced Gabriel who appears in so many pictures , whose scarlet plumes brush the ceiling of the bedroom in which he has alighted ; whose shadow fills the whole of the bedroom wall , whose robes cover half the bedroom carpet and whose single , beckoning finger silences the virgins of history , making them forget the books which they have been surprised reading , and sends them sinking to their knees .
12 The Germans were the bombs which smashed the towns and villages of England or they were the words in the newspapers which told of defeat .
13 Only the top three teams in the division have scored more goals than the Brockville side this season , but the fact that only Cowdenbeath have conceded more goals than them is the reason why relegation remains a distinct possibility .
14 Although they are the letters of instruction from an older devil to a younger , Screwtape 's sense of what the Enemy ( i.e. God ) is preparing for his servants can not fail to break through .
15 The infirmaries at the plant were shut , Chernobyl 's medical centre was not equipped to take nuclear cases , there were few iodine pills to distribute — although they are the only way of preventing radioactive iodine from accumulating in the thyroid .
16 In only 10 per cent of cases did social work or police ‘ discover ’ the problem on their own although they are the main carriers of the interrogative role .
17 That 's not counting the 28,000-strong Republikaner party ; although they 're the fascist group with the highest profile , they 're not considered extremist
18 And although they 're the A B Cs are with a separate body you 're still working within your scheme .
19 Although they were the servants of governments whose interests it was their duty to uphold unreservedly , it was easier in such a setting than it is today to recognize certain common interests .
20 Although they were the same age , they thought the Russells Hall pupils would be much bigger than them .
21 ‘ It was n't just the fellows at work , although they were the worst , but the word had gone round .
22 It is not enough that hedges are misted in fresh green spray ; are greener today than they were yesterday , and greener yesterday than they were the day before .
23 Well I , I think after this er people have n't appreciated yet that they 've , the grounds have become a bit safer than they were the hooligan element seemed to be taking over , they have er closed circuit television now , at Walsall , so they can get to the hot spot of any trouble and er they erm the ground
24 These innocent people have no idea that they 're the basis of fiction . ’
25 I 've heard that they 're the midnight marauders ,
26 And because this is a strong push for influence , it does n't work with people who are keenly aware of their position above you in a hierarchy , and who need to feel very much that they 're the boss .
27 The Sawdoctors claim ( or it 's claimed for them ) that they 're the voice of a young , rural Ireland .
28 that they 're the biggest
29 Erm probates Or rather procedure on death because probate is proving a will , in the Latin if there 's no will it 's letters of administration which is a similar procedure , except that the will speaks from death and therefore your appointment of the executors is effective from death and therefore your appointment of executors is effective from death , they can do certain things even before they 've proven the will Which administrators ca n't do cos they do n't have the power until they 've proved that they 're the people entitled .
30 ‘ I do n't know what it will do to her when she hears that they 're the wrong bodies . ’
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