Example sentences of "[conj] they [verb] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Open fires are increasingly less common in homes today but , where they do exist , the crawling child and toddler need to be protected .
2 Certainly in this sector , where they do exist , they are generally very modest productions , reflecting a lack of money for this sort of thing .
3 Therefore , very large firms which have secured a degree of market dominance will often prefer independence or , where they do retain formal employers ' association membership , may have ‘ nonconforming ’ status whereby they are not required to follow the terms of a national agreement and disputes procedure ( such as a number of firms in the Chemical Industries Association in Britain , including ICI and Glaxo ) .
4 Where they do tend to turn away is in cases where the effect of the work is aversive because its purpose is aversive and the intention to shock or appal is successfully realised .
5 Where they do differ is that they know a great deal less about the properties of social and psychological phenomena than do the natural sciences about the properties of the natural world .
6 Few of these brooches are found outside Kent , in keeping with the observed pattern of distribution of imported luxury goods ; where they do occur in other regions they frequently accompany other items which may be labelled ‘ Kentish ’ .
7 I believe this to be true in the case of computers where they do lag behind the West : I do not believe it in the case of radar .
8 where they did build a school for them you see .
9 Almost as proof , Kinnaird and Marie Steele , lecturer in Strathclyde University 's department of human resources management and one of the four opening speakers acting as ‘ catalysts ’ for the discussion , set the dismal scene : the unbelievably low number of female applicants for top jobs , the discontinuity between the high rate of female academic achievement in secondary , tertiary and professional education and career patterns , the patchiness of those career patterns in various sectors where they did break through .
10 The government also failed to take up the recommendation to ‘ ring-fence ’ community care budget allocations , except in the case of mental health services where they did agree to a specific grant which would only be spent on community care service plans developed jointly by the health and social services .
11 Sometimes examinations , where they did take place , were not a very searching test of ability .
12 because this has happened time and time again and yes they do need more life cover or they do need a PHI policy or a savings plan .
13 The aircraft at the club I fly ( train ) from are well maintained and do have silencers — albeit they do point downwards .
14 They were n't concerned with that , although they did come up with some electro um electro-static field , or electro magnatic magnetic fields in the brain or something .
15 It is now going to be very difficult for the Lions to win this series , although they did come from the same position to win the series four years ago in Australia .
16 Spending chiefs decided to delay their decision until then , although they did discuss more council spending as well as less .
17 Ehrich and Koehler ( 1975 ) also produced a script recognition system which did not use real time information in its coding scheme , although they did use some sequence information .
18 Structuralists did not believe in examining the text in relation to society — although they did believe in examining the relationships within texts and between texts — nor in examining it as a work with moral significance ; the aim was simply to lay bare the universal structures which were hidden within it .
19 Whether the preface to his treatise in which this comment was made was ever actually read by the society 's members is not known , although they did order two copies of his ‘ two publications on Farriery ’ .
20 But I never ever had a running line , although they did have an order for so many like that and I 'd keep the patterns and the gages and if they wanted any more later on , you know , I used to do that sort of thing for the sake of me customers and all that .
21 However this radicalization in land policy had allowed them to defeat the K M T and essentially led them to get into power so one has elements of pragmatism in their ideology and that how that you 've got to realize that the Communist Party was in a very precarious situation throughout these years , that how that although they did have a kind of er policy in th there ultimate aim of socialism , and although it seare appeared s quite strange that they were almost promoting capitalism , that how that their aim during this period was to eliminate feudalism which was the s and then to establish capitalism in order that socialism could take place .
22 This climate severely limited the ability of opposition groups to mobilize within the existing vertical structure , although they did have some success in getting their candidates elected as workplace representatives and as members of the company council .
23 They thought it normal for tea to come out of the fridge or the oven in a tinfoil box with a peel-back lid , although they did remember for weeks afterwards Lucy 's occasional cordon-bleu phases , when the house had been filled with heart-warming smells , and different kinds of food had appeared out of saucepans on top of the oven , and other dishes inside it .
24 Chimpanzees younger than two years old do not attempt to fish although they do watch their mother doing it .
25 This incapacitates them temporarily ; whilst imprisoned they can not victimize the public , although they do continue to victimize other prisoners , sometimes at a rate that exceeds community crime levels .
26 Neither card in fact , although they do give mention of the associates for both men , neither card says that associate of the other .
27 " Ah , no , although they do represent food and , well , family prestige , all these sacrifices are essentially offerings to the gods .
28 The combination of the move and the reassuring presence of the Scats was successful , as they began to accept my visits , although they do remain somewhat ‘ edgy ’ if anyone else enters the fish room .
29 Although they do lie outside the mainstream — indeed , because they lie outside it — authors such as B. S. Johnson have at the very least an important exemplary function , keeping open a wide spectrum of possibility , even for authors who may not always wish to go so far in such radical directions themselves .
30 Although they do constitute a basis for a future development policy it is only realistic to recognise that they are , in some respects at least , contradictory to the conceptual framework of present policies and planning approaches .
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