Example sentences of "[conj] for [art] long " in BNC.

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1 A commonly held example of such an error comes not from neuroscience but from genetics , where for a long time there was a rather simple-minded assumption that the physiology and behaviour of an organism ( its phenotype ) could be arbitrarily divided into two components , one given by the genes , the other by the environment .
2 Using drugs can be dangerous , especially when they 're taken in excess or for a long time , or in the wrong combinations .
3 Right , so that 's a brief gallop the the various issues in the short stories , does anyone want to er , speak now , or for a long time , hold your peace .
4 Bankruptcy proceedings must be commenced in the High Court ( in London ) if : ( i ) the petition is presented by a Government department , and either in the statutory demand an indication to petition in the High Court is stated or the petition is based upon an unsatisfied execution ; or ( ii ) the debtor by or against whom the petition is presented has resided or carried on business within the London insolvency district for the greater part of the six months immediately preceding the presentation of the petition or for a longer period during those six months than in any other insolvency district ; or ( iii ) the debtor is not resident in England and Wales ; or ( iv ) the petitioning creditor is unable to ascertain the residence of the debtor ( tr 6.9(1) and 6.40 ) .
5 It is quite common to insert further provisions prohibiting the offeree group from entering into contracts or commitments involving more than a stated sum or for a longer period than , say , a year , or entering into other transactions which are outside the routine course of trading without the consent of the acquirer .
6 But it would probably be a mistake to draw any such sweeping conclusion , either for the short or for the long term .
7 We provide a comprehensive range of sizes to suit every yacht specification for leisure use or for the longest of passages .
8 He watched their departure through a spreading mist , and when the last car had gone and the avenue was silent except for the long sigh of grass , he allowed himself to be taken back to his room .
9 ‘ Yes , and the reason we 've got no morals is that for a long time ( 150 years ) we 've been at a loose end . '
10 The power of the Establishment came not from the fact that a few dozen people imposed their will on the rest of us , but from the fact that for a long time we felt it right that the opinions of such people should have respectful attention paid to them .
11 Miss Picon and her husband were so profoundly affected by their experiences that for a long time after their return to New York they were unable to work .
12 Another legacy of the French period of broadcasting is the fact that for a long time few such stations broadcast in African languages : radio services in the Ivory Coast are dominated by the French language even today .
13 ‘ I wished that for a long time , Lizzy , but your father has a different approach to life . ’
14 The characteristic of all those areas is that for a long time they have been Labour controlled , although Conservatives have been in control in Brent for the past year and the Liberal Democrats have recently been in control in Tower Hamlets .
15 ‘ The reason I do n't have a band is that for the longest time I 've been disgusted with the mode that the American independent scene operates in and I do n't want to be associated with that .
16 But it has been a rough 18 months for him and there is still a gauntness about him , even if he does claim he has never felt fitter and that his swing is closer to being ‘ on track ’ than for a long time .
17 David Boole of Jaguar Cars describes the medium-term as healthier than for a long time' . ’
18 In time Michael too came to accept their centrality , although for a long time he asked when he could go home to his parents .
19 Nevertheless conditions in which limited but often intense urban nationalism would flourish were being created and would provide a catalyst of future revolution ; although for a long time fears that educated Vietnamese would rise up against their French masters were certainly not encouraged by the numbers of children in school .
20 It seems as certain as anything can be that the absolute numbers of the old , and for a long time also their number relative to the whole population , will be far higher in future than anything experienced in the past .
21 He was sitting there with his head in his hands ; he did not rise when the train passed ; he made no movement ; he did not give a glance at the signs I made him ; and for a long time as the train was carrying me away , I watched his little motionless , grief-stricken figure , lost in the desert , an image of my own despair .
22 We were carrying light loads because it was our last day but we averaged about 25kph with ease , and for a long while .
23 He admired the company 's pre-war products — efficient little sports cars with something of the modern Lotus spirit about them — more than any other car , and for a long time he used Astons on the road .
24 It was the most exciting , extraordinary experience he had ever had , and for a long time afterwards he would bend any ear he could find on the subject .
25 It is a house which has given rise to much aesthetic conjecture , and for a long time it was deemed to be the first seed of the modern movement in England , for it did not appear to be built in any revival style , but in a fresh new one .
26 With things like art nouveau and Edwardian furniture , when David started buying them , I went and got books to get my act together in order that I knew what he was into , but with drugs , I did n't know , added to which David was very secretive and for a long time I was n't aware that he was having a problem , not necessarily from cocaine addiction , which everybody loves to tell you is not addictive , but it is in terms of the fact that you rely on feeling up to cope — you just become more and more paranoid .
27 I felt the jolt in his chest as I hugged it in rhythm against mine and for a long second could n't believe it , but then he heaved again in my arms and coughed in my face and a mouthful of dirty water shot out in a spout and he began coughing in earnest and choking and gasping for air … gasping , gulping air down , wheezing in his throat , whooping like whooping cough , struggling to fill his functioning lungs .
28 These articles are addressed to practitioners and for a long while I have been urging practitioners towards a greater involvement in the education of the profession 's next generation .
29 For me , a century later , it was to be Oxfordshire again , and for a long time to come .
30 He loved life , and for a long time the force was with him .
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