Example sentences of "[conj] i went over " in BNC.

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1 Mr Whitechurch described it : ‘ The first train that I went over was the very latest type of West Coast Joint Stock corridor , designed to run from Euston at 11.30 am to Edinburgh and Glasgow , returning from Edinburgh at 11.35 .
2 There was only a bit of spare paper left and some of it had got streaks of cheese-grease on , so I went over to the newsagent 's stall and bought an exercise book for 35p .
3 ‘ It was made in his atelier so I went over for the fittings and in those years I was very sure of myself .
4 I left it a while but they did n't break up , so I went over to see what was going on .
5 It was the last day of shooting and they did n't need us till nine o'clock that morning , so Keenan [ Wynn ] and me went over to the bar and had a couple there and I said , ‘ You know , Keenan , it 's gon na be a long hot day so we 'd better stop off at the drug store and buy a jug . ’
6 So half-way through a take I saw this cigarette butt on the ground , and I went over to it and kicked the cigarette out of the way .
7 ‘ When Terry was coaching Barcelona and I went over to visit him , he asked me to bring a few pounds of good old English pork sausages because he was missing his bangers and mash for tea , ’ he explained .
8 The farmer and I went over and gazed down at a circular black object about half an inch across floating on the surface of the milk .
9 We halted the camels when we drew near and Omar and the Adoimara headman and I went over .
10 ‘ The other day Thomas and I went over to look at the foundations of the first villa which your men have started to build , ’ she remarked , as they drank their coffee .
11 So I got out the car and I went over and I , turned it down , as it were turning down I saw it was n't pouring just out the tap , it was also pouring from the
12 No he said , and I went over and I picked him up anyway , and sat him on , I sat him on my knee and I said we 'll just do some rhymes and I could feel him sort of going mm , mm , mm , like they do all pathetic and whiny , anyway Phyllis arrived and afterwards it was , by then he had calmed down and he was fine and I said wan na read the story now cos he missed it of course when he decided he could n't do without his car , so I said next week perhaps come without your car , I think I 'd won him over by the end but , it was a bit hairy .
13 so we put it under there and round here and everywhere and I went over to on Saturday and erm crumbs she said you look , you look really good , I thought
14 And I went over , I goes you alright ?
15 she says like er she says you know Jean she says well I just sat there and she says I 'm away and I went over she says because it was her
16 And I went over , and I like , I went , my skis stayed on , and I like somersaulted over and my skis stayed on and I pulled the whole of my leg , it was black from just above my knee to there and it 's like just black my whole leg .
17 " If I went over to the hotel now and had supper , that would give you about an hour to find a man and get ready .
18 cos I went over to the cinema , I said my
19 I used to love riding , but I went over a jump seven years ago and the horse stopped , but I kept on going , and I fractured my back , so I thought , I 'm too old for that .
20 I was greatly helped by both our families , and by a university friend , Flora Christina ( Ena ) Macraild , a rumbustious and stout-hearted Celt from Dunvegan in Skye , who listened with endless patience and compassion while I went over and over and over both hopeful and dire possibilities .
21 When I went over to the lake one day I spotted a seagull in distress .
22 And when I went over to standard two , Miss was the name of the teacher with the the middle classes .
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