Example sentences of "[conj] i 'm out " in BNC.

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1 Last night I told them over there to screw it up to two million dollars or I 'm out .
2 If it goes over that I 'm out . ’
3 So when I go back , although I did n't go back since nineteen eighty-three , because the situation is not that favourable since then , I felt that I 'm out of the cage .
4 Once I 'm out , you can disappear and we 'll say no more about it . ’
5 ‘ I 'll need no help , once I 'm out , ’ breathed Harry , thinking with feverish urgency of the grave under the lee of the church at Strata Marcella , and the little curling leaf on the threatened stone .
6 And I 'm out a lot , I tend to just slurp down a cup of Slimma-soup , stick a wee dollop of quiche in the microwave or something while I 'm waiting for my Carmens to heat up .
7 Personally , I just get the feel going and I 'm out of here !
8 And I 'm out here , where there are n't any proper walls to the world , and the water goes cold and hard as glass some mornings , and the ventilation and heating systems are quite shockingly out of control .
9 I , I , I think this must be the hardest business to plan around in the market place Peter , because at the end of the day you 're chasing business , you , you 're looking for business and if I 've got an account , I 'll be honest with you , if I 've got an account tomorrow or , that rings in and it 's in for sort of Friday , yes , and that should be there , and I 'm out of the area Friday , I 'll go across and get that business , I 'd go out of my area and get that business ,
10 It 's always kept in here , you see , unless it 's in the lock , but if I 'm out of doors you can be sure it 's in my bag . ’
11 If I 'm out , leave it in the porch .
12 Whereas like if I 'm out , at least I get a bus down , go into to Kwik Save
13 if I 'm out too late
14 All I 've got now is I have n't got ta go out for a main , if I 'm out just pick up a couple of bits for him when from Woking .
15 If I , if I 'm out yes , I li I like them in a pa in a , in a paper , you know , but er I 've got no cake to offer you , I ca n't some biscuits .
16 I ca n't wait until I 'm out of here and then she 'll feel the full force of my wrath …
17 He added : ‘ The side has been doing really well without me but I 'm out to convince everybody that I 'm worth a place in the side . ’
18 And he said : ‘ The side has been doing really well without me but I 'm out to convince everybody that I 'm worth a place in the side . ’
19 But I 'm out of sight now .
20 I like it because I 'm out , I think , and I like looking in the shops and sometimes I bump into people I know , and it just makes a little break …
21 Tell you what erm when we get into you can just drop me down to the greengrocer near the church because I 'm out of erm spring onions and if I wanted to add up to that bit of salad that we 've got
22 ‘ My ankle 's better , so I 'm going shopping , behave yourself while I 'm out . ’
23 While I 'm out at work during the week I get a break from my son 's peculiarities .
24 While I 'm out you steal your lovers in here and entertain them , with sweet biscuits , almonds and sugar , just perfectly warm , oh yes , I know your tricks , women 's tricks .
25 ‘ Mrs Dempster , while I 'm out today , will you please dust or wash those pictures — particularly the third one from the fireplace .
26 ‘ I 'm just hoping I 'll be able to get a job while I 'm out there so I can go out again .
27 I 'll get some while I 'm out , give me some money .
28 Well , in that case I 'm gon na do something about it love that Cos I ai n't having no dog there yapping all , a , while I 'm out there !
29 My physical exercise makes me feel so good inside — whether I 'm on my stairmaster , whether I 'm out running , dancing to music like a crazy person , riding up hills on my bicycle or just taking a brisk walk .
30 Surely only he can say whether I 'm out or not . ’
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