Example sentences of "[conj] i be out " in BNC.

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1 Last night I told them over there to screw it up to two million dollars or I 'm out .
2 ‘ It was an attempt to get bigger ratings but I said Boon would have to stay with ordinary social issues or I was out . ’
3 When I am trying to be stricter than usual with myself , I plan a really busy week so that I am out more than is customary .
4 If it goes over that I 'm out . ’
5 So when I go back , although I did n't go back since nineteen eighty-three , because the situation is not that favourable since then , I felt that I 'm out of the cage .
6 However , these only served to intensify the feeling that I was out of my depth .
7 And you told Maman that I was out in the woods .
8 It read , Dear Sir Geoffrey , I am sorry that I was out of the office when you telephoned this afternoon .
9 And I had been loading for the Major the last time that I was out shooting , the last time for me like .
10 Well a at the start of the strike , my wife was just a little bit narked that I was out of work , but after a while when she fully understood the reasons , I think , I 'd like to think that she was a hundred per cent behind me and the rest of us .
11 Barnes , 30 , added : ‘ I knew fairly soon that I was out of the Test match and now I am struggling to be fit for the Taranaki game on Wednesday .
12 When I went to court I pleaded guilty , and I did n't get a sentence , so I was out again .
13 Once I was out shopping with a girlfriend and we went into a store .
14 Once I was out of the cab I ran and ran , and lost her ; she wo n't know where to look , the pavements are covered with footmarks .
15 Once I 'm out , you can disappear and we 'll say no more about it . ’
16 ‘ I 'll need no help , once I 'm out , ’ breathed Harry , thinking with feverish urgency of the grave under the lee of the church at Strata Marcella , and the little curling leaf on the threatened stone .
17 He said , ‘ You know , if my wife and I are out , we make sure we 're back by 10.30 in the evening … . ’ and I said , ‘ Oh , that 's lovely , thank you . ’
18 And I 'm out a lot , I tend to just slurp down a cup of Slimma-soup , stick a wee dollop of quiche in the microwave or something while I 'm waiting for my Carmens to heat up .
19 Personally , I just get the feel going and I 'm out of here !
20 And I 'm out here , where there are n't any proper walls to the world , and the water goes cold and hard as glass some mornings , and the ventilation and heating systems are quite shockingly out of control .
21 I , I , I think this must be the hardest business to plan around in the market place Peter , because at the end of the day you 're chasing business , you , you 're looking for business and if I 've got an account , I 'll be honest with you , if I 've got an account tomorrow or , that rings in and it 's in for sort of Friday , yes , and that should be there , and I 'm out of the area Friday , I 'll go across and get that business , I 'd go out of my area and get that business ,
22 My girlfriends and I were out making the passeggiata .
23 Brian and I were out riding one morning when we suddenly heard heavy firing ahead of us .
24 Soon Jacob and I were out on the lonely , snow-covered hills .
25 This he duly did while Eric and I were out flying kites .
26 ‘ Rastani and I were out of the Tower .
27 Nan and I were out shopping .
28 I 'd been out and I was out of it sitting in this shop doorway having this conversation with myself .
29 Her father did n't live with us and I was out of the country , so she had to cross the frontier illegally , swimming the river to get from Guatemala to Mexico .
30 Yeah there was five women and dad was away and I was out at the fishing just for the night .
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